RT Mozilla @Firefox: We believe that the internet should be public, open and accessible.just dumped some less used addons,,but the browser cant live without addons,,
macbook pro和一台与歌征战墨尔本多年的那台机器终于慢到难以忍受的地步了,,无奈之下,花功夫动手术
虽然我一台电脑上也是好几个firefox,分成娱乐、工作啥的就和用hotdoor分几个win98或者multiboot OS
IE Tab: 交给chromium的好了,而且同一个gmail/flock账号that他们可以根据你的操作系统进行是否同步这个扩展,因为这个扩展仅适用于windows.
Thunder Extension: 忘了干啥的了,如果要用win32机迅雷的话,chromium上透过IE Tab extension就活了
Tab Mix Plus: 新firefox有类似功能了
Restart Firefox: originally supported in new firefox
Sessionsaver: originally supported in new firefox
Duplicate Tab: originally supported in new firefox
Gmail Manager: google officially supported
CustomizeGoogle: google account (gmail) officially supported
Forecastfox: one bottom to mac dashboard or smart phone
StockTicker: one bottom to mac dashboard or smart phone
DictionarySearch: one bottom to mac dashboard or smart phone
PermaTabs: similar to chromium's pin tab function
SkipScreen: 不怎么起作用,,而且没那么多下载需求
All-in-One Gestures: used to practise mac tracepad gestures
The Search Sidebar: 有desktop search就够了,你要同时索引gmail和facebook我就没话说了,in other words, 你把facebook的email设置成gmail然后email提示每条消息就好了,,反正工作也不是太好
FacePad: 因为facebook的‘霸王条款’给废了,,不过还好了,facebook提供个人信息下载备份了,就是情报工作不如之前好做了
WiseStamp: 不得不承认是我用过最好的email签名扩展,比很多客户端的原生功能还细心,支持html而且在你给不同群体发信的时候,可以选择不同的签名比如说,工作,学院,,,不过鉴于歌表里如一,而且Gmail的签名功能也强大了;就冲着Hotmail和cn.Yahoo在大陆的政治污点,一般也没中国人用;AOL也就老美使了,和美国yahoo差不多。
FoxyProxy Standard: 不知道和Basic啥差别,,
the browser supports remote DNS, the perfect soln when using SSH encountered DNS cache pollution (poisioning), and the best proxy experience. According to some reverse domain name check website stat, there are about more than 400 domain names in the list of DNS cache pollution, including the famous sites such as twitter and youtube (powered by google)
Firefox Showcase: 因为习惯了RSS/Atom reader而很久不刷网页了,所以对网站网页的相形记忆不是很深刻
FaviconizeTab: similar reason to the previous one,,, a bit abstract
Personal Menu: 只能在win下有效果,,而且4代里面mozilla借鉴了不少IE和Chromium的
Organize Status Bar: as above, only work for win n no later purpose than firefox 4.0
feedly: 还要学习呢,测试扩展的话用chromium就好了,,比greader聚合力度强一些吧,可以聚合像twitter之类的,不过信息更爆炸了
Echofon (twtr fox): 看推效率挺低的说,不支援list sort view,除非reader上的看完了闲得无聊,但既然是闲事,还是交给handset之类只能手机来处理了,没必要开电脑费电
Download Statusbar:小物件下载交给chromium了,人家状态完全不用额外扩展
Coolpreviews:和Coolirs一家的,,google上的搜索结果都可以有这个预览效果了,,也交给chromium了,独立学习的时候没那么多需要share link的机会
All-Glass Firefox mod, based on Glasser: firefox4已经很,,哈哈
人人网改造器: flock都转chromium了,还用问么。不过作为我的一个feed reader,由于其封闭性,造成了用email订阅成了最佳最高效的订阅方式。
Prism for Firefox: 类似于chromium的create apps shortcut像gmail,gdocs, greader, gcal etc.etc.
Zotero OpenOffice.org Integration: 一直调不好LaTex,,还有,一次考试前,因为java出问题了,导致一操作,就错误提示,,结果没办法砸钱买了M$ Office2010/2011.
The help documentation was helpful but took much time to read thru,,, now change to coop with other plugin for word processor or the stand alone solution without firefox.
Google Gears: google stops updating
Adobe Acrobat - Create PDF: Adobe Contribute Toolbar
The Nethernet: Project Fail: Interface Only,,, was a web multiplayer online game
Minimap Addon:?可能呼ubiquity会比较快吧
Google Toolbar for Firefox: ,,officially discontinuing (Added, @physbook: Jul.22, 2011)