Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2012 Solar Bday's Gift from Priya - Understanding of Linus Torvalds' Swearing to NVIDIA

Eternal privacyIts very clear to see the six apart screen '六分屏' on Lenovo Y450 Ideapad.

Due to Geforce m1xx series graphics drivers updating,,

Corrupted screen: "Six screens" issueFor some users using Geforce GT 100M's, the screen turns out corrupted after X starts; divided into 6 sections with a resolution limited to 640x480. The same problem has been recently reported with Quadro 2000 and hi-res displays.
To solve this problem, enable the Validation Mode NoTotalSizeCheck in section Device:
Section "Device"
 Option "ModeValidation" "NoTotalSizeCheck"


sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
OR sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf 
 Find and change follow the above shown session.

Save it with an Enter on restart~! 

[1]   “NVIDIA - ArchWiki.” [Online]. Available: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA#Corrupted_screen:_.22Six_screens.22_issue. [Accessed: 11-Sep-2012].



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