Thursday, September 20, 2012

Vote for Voice

What has VOICE achieved?

Over the past few years the Voice team have worked with a diverse range of students, clubs and activist groups to achieve real results on campus.

Candidates running against Voice this year are unfortunately campaigning on a negative message of "Voice has achieved nothing".

We don't believe in negative campaigning. Every ticket running in the elections this year has been involved in the Student Representative Council over the last couple of years, and every member of the SRC has the capacity to initiate and work on student campaigns. This year's election is an opportunity for all tickets to demonstrate their achievements and talk about what else they want to fight for.

Voice Achievements:

Student Representation
  • Increased funding for student representation by 30%
  • Created a new Postgraduate Council to better cater to the needs of Postgrad students
  • Successfully pushed for more student representatives on high-level University committees
  • Created the semesterly student forums, allowing students to directly engage with members of the University leadership team
Fighting for quality education
  • Successfully campaigned for all summer courses in the Faculty of Built Environment to be put on HECS
  • Successfully lobbied for more compulsory textbookts to be available free and online
  • Organised the successful campaign to protect the rights and conditions of our teachers
  • Organised the successful campaign at COFA to ensure student and staff voices were heard in significant faculty restructures
  • Supported computer science students with their protests against staff cuts, ensuring no forced redundancies
Campus Life
  • On campus discounts at Arc stores around campus
  • Increased funding and made it easier to access grants for clubs and societies
  • Successfully pushed for cheaper and better student run food outlets on campus by building the Whitehouse
  • Created the Inter-Residence Council to represent the interests of college students on residents on campus
  • Started and won the campaign the save the UNSW Pharmacy
International Students
  • Started the now inaugural International Night Markets, letting international student clubs work together to run an amazing event for all students on campus
  • Ran free IELTS workshops for all international students
  • Campaigned for international student travel concessions and got support for the campaign from the UNSW Vice-Chancellor
  • Successfully campaigned to bring back recycling on campus
  • Created an Arc Environment Policy
  • Successfully pushed for student representation on the UNSW Sustainability Committee
  • Started the RenewUNSW campaign to push for UNSW to be powered by 100% renewable energy
Social Justice and Equity
  • Funded "F Con" - the first feminist conference held in Sydney in more than 10 years
  • Helped fund the national campaign for Equal Marriage
  • Changed regulations to allow the SRC Queer Officers to be elected autonomously
  • Financially supported UNSW students to attend the annual Queer Collaborations and the Network of Women Students Australia (NOWSA) conferences
If you support what Voice has achieved in the last few years and want us to keep working with students to implement our policies, remember to Vote 1 Voice!

Who are the Voice team?

The Voice team is made up of progressive students from a wide range of academic, cultural, geographical and political backgrounds. What unites us is our belief that student representatives and activists should work together to fight for quality university education, better student welfare, student control of student money, environmental sustainability and social justice without being divided by partisan politics.

The Voice team believe in always putting UNSW students first, and we draw on a diverse selection of candidates to represent all the different communities that make up the university.

Our candidates include Arc Board Directors, Club Presidents, College Presidents, Women's, Queer and Environmental Activists, International Student leaders and students involved in volunteering in their local communities.

The Voice team

President: Ross Willing
  • Ross is a 4th year Arts/Law student and a resident of New College where he is also a Senior Academic Tutor. He has been a Director on the Arc Board since 2011 where, as Chair of the Membership & Services subcommittee, he oversaw the implementation of free Arc membership, a new Arc sustainability  policy, and created the Inter-Residence Council. He also manages the UNSW hockey team and is involved in a number of clubs and societies.
Education: David Bailey-McKay & Lauren McCracken
  • David is a 3rd year Social Work/Arts student and current SRC Co-Education Officer. He has been involved in the Whitlam Club, Social Work Society and Electrical Engineering Society. He has helped organise campaigns to stop cuts to courses and teaching staff since 2010. He has represented students in the Faculties of Built Environment, Arts and COFA in negotiations to fight against and minimise damage to teaching quality.
  • Lauren is a 2nd year Media student who currently works for Arc's marketing department as a student intern. She is a Co-Convenor of The Greens on Campus club and is passionate about quality education.
Women's: Amber Karanikolas & Katerina Jovanovska
  • Amber is a 3rd year Arts/Law student and a volunteer legal assistant at the Redfern Legal Centre. She is the current SRC Women's Officer and has been involved in the Women's Collective and Queer Collective. She was previously a member of the Law Society's Queer Portfolio committee.
  • Katerina is a 1st year Media/Law student majoring in Communications and Journalism. She's a Taskforce member of the YMCA NSW Youth Parliament as the advisor to the Women's Affairs and Ethnic Affairs portfolios. She was a finalist in the ZONTA International Young Women in Public Affairs Award and has been a facilitator of anti-domestic violence workshops at all-male high schools.
Ethnic Affairs: Charlotte Lewis
  • Charlotte is a 3rd year Arts student and the President of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS). As President, she worked to build links between Jewish and non-Jewish students by opening up the club to all students. She started the ultimately successful anti-boycott campaign to save the UNSW Pharmacy.
International: Kobe Gao & Ouyang Jackson
  • Kobe is a 3rd year Civil Engineering student and current SRC Co-International Students Officer. He has been an organiser for the International Night Markets in 2011 and 2012. He is a leader in the campaign for international student travel concessions, and has organised forums and seminars for international students on campus on issues such as migration and IELTS. 
  • Ouyang is a 3rd year Commerce/ Law student and the President of UNSW biggest charity club, Project Hope. He's previously worked for KPMG China, and during his involvement with international student representation at UNSW he's organised events, forums and seminars to help build relations between international and domestic students. He is also a volunteer with UNSW Careers.
Indigenous: Jacob Hyland
  • Jacob is an Aniwan man from Armidale, NSW. He's a 3rd year Civil Engineering student and has been an Indigenous Australian Engineering Summer School mentor for the past two years. He was a supervisor of the Nura Gili Winter School 2010-11 and Social Director of New College in 2011. He's currently an Engineering Student Ambassador.
Welfare: Brad Lorge & Anna Zhou 
  • Brad is a 2nd year Software Engineering/Commerce student and current SRC Co-Welfare Officer. He lives at Shalom College and is a tutor for the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). He is a consultant for the Association of Child Welfare Agencies and is the recipient of multiple awards for a project in aid distribution. He led the campaign against staff cuts in CSE and was heavily involved in the campaign to save the pharmacy.
  • Anna is a 3rd year Arts/Education student and a Peer Mentor in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, focussing on supporting new students. She is a UNSW Aspire Ambassador, working to increase the number of students from disadvantaged backgrounds attending university. She is an Arc Yellow Shirt and a volunteer with The Hub. She's also a volunteer with Anglicare, The Smith Family, Amnesty International and St Vincent de Paul.
Environment: Jeremy Sieczko & Emma Horsburgh
  • Jeremy is a 4th year Architecture student and the founding President of the Faculty of Built Environment Society. He's passionate about creating a more environmentally sustianable campus and harnessing the capabilities of students and staff to make UNSW the most forward-looking and green campus in Australia. He is heavily involved in the campaign to power UNSW by renewable energy.
  • Emma is a 2nd year International Studies student and the Grassroots Co-ordinator of the Australian Youth Climate Change Coalition. She has worked on a number of youth-focussed environmental campaigns, such as Youth Decide and completed the women's internship at GetUp! Australia. She has volunteered for and run community campaigns for Amnesty International, Médecins Sans Frontières, UN Youth Australia and the Cancer Council NSW.
Disabilities: Joel Wilson
  • Joel is a 4th year Science/Law student who is passionate about the rights and welfare of disabled students. He moved from Port Stephens to study at UNSW, and spent his first few years at Baxter College. Through his involvement with the Student Equity and Disability Unit and the Redfern Legal Centre, he has developed a thorough understanding of the attitudinal and physical obstacles that disabled students face.

Tharunka: Osman Faruqi, Renee Griffin & Lily Ray

Councillors: Jacob Glued, Josh Beale, Scarlett Ha, Juni Lee, Billy Bruffey, Nick Gurieff, Jared Grimmond, Beth Crane, Luke Marshall, Hee Yeon Kim and Eliot Redelman.

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