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Sunday, March 15, 2020
一场天灾的神奇终结->到🇺🇸315国祷日Trump participates in National Day of Prayer event
在各种办法试尽,穷途末路之时,当时的明尼苏达州州长John S. Pillsbury接受了社区领袖们的建议,转向全能的上帝。他宣布1877年4月26号为明尼苏达全州祷告日。这一天,学校、商店、机关、工厂都关门,万千州民群聚在各教会的礼拜堂,谦卑的跪下祷告,寻求上帝的帮助。
有人说得好: 「人的一生, 总有需要一件小小神迹的时刻!」明尼苏达州所剩下的最后一道防线,就是上帝的怜悯和帮助。全能的上帝应允了明尼苏达州全民的祷告。
次日早晨, 奇迹终于出现了! 一波寒流南下, 大风雪带来酷寒(四月底的超级锋面是少有的),冰雹和风雪笼罩了整个明尼苏达州长达数天之久, 大地结成一块坚冰,消灭了无数蝗虫, 逼使蝗虫大军急速逃离。更奇妙的是, 严寒入侵地的深处, 杀死了蝗虫产卵所孵化的无数幼虫,彻底地消灭蝗灾。
有个当时盖的教堂叫Grasshopper Chapel,今日还在(地址是
22912 ChapelHill Rd, Cold Spring, MN 56320),无声见证着上帝的奇妙作为。
““When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”
2 Chronicles 7:13-15 NIV
This is a guest post from physbook team, and protected under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License. Unless otherwise stated in the comment text, without author(s) written permission, please specify: Reprinted from Physbook (RSS)/转自飛思播客 (RSS) with the article's link (Please do not change the Title. Remain the link same at least because we could make changes on the content in further updates otherwise you will be responsible to the mistake you spread to readers) OR Trackback in the comment "[...]quotes/引用[...]" with your article part and link FOR reproducing or using the whole or any part of the content.
一场天灾的神奇终结->到🇺🇸315国祷日Trump participates in National Day of Prayer event
Musi Zhang
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