Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The World's First Commercial Biological Computer Unveiled? Carbon-Based + Silicon-Based, Could SBI Outperform AI?全球第一台商用生物计算机问世?碳基+硅基,SBI或将秒杀AI?

Eternal privacyImage by Musi_Zhang via Flickr

The World's First Commercial Biological Computer Unveiled? Carbon-Based + Silicon-Based, Could SBI Outperform AI?


Dewen Xu

This is an astonishing invention!

The Australian startup Cortical Labs has officially unveiled the world's first commercial biological computer, CL1, marking the first time in human history that living neurons have been integrated with silicon-based chips to create a breakthrough in Synthetic Biological Intelligence (SBI). Has a computing revolution led by carbon-based life quietly begun?

The story dates back to 2022.


澳大利亚初创公司Cortical Labs刚刚正式发布了全球第一台商用生物计算机CL1,标志着人类首次将活体神经元与硅基芯片融合,创造出了突破性的合成生物智能(Synthetic Biological Intelligence,SBI)。一场由碳基生命引领的计算革命已经悄然开始了吗?


From a “Petri Dish Ping Pong Player” to a Commercial Computer

That year, technology media widely covered a system called DishBrain—a collection of 800,000 brain cells grown in a petri dish that learned to play a simplified version of the video game Pong. At the time, many viewed it as an early version of the “brain-in-a-dish” concept from science fiction. However, few could have anticipated that in just three years, this technology would transition from a lab experiment to the commercial market.

Behind this achievement lies six years of relentless research by the Cortical Labs team.

“Keeping brain cells alive in a petri dish is not difficult; the real challenge is making them work in an organized manner as we expect,” said Hon Weng Chong, founder and CEO of Cortical Labs, during the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, March 3-6.

So how did they accomplish this? What is the scientific principle behind it? 

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这背后,是Cortical Labs团队六年的不懈努力。

"让大脑细胞在培养皿中存活并不难,难的是让它们按照我们的期望有组织地工作。"Cortical Labs创始人兼CEO陈宏翁(Hon Weng Chong)在3月3日-6日举行的巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(MWC)发布会上这样说道。


The Secret of SBI: Enabling Communication Between Silicon and Carbon-Based Systems

Traditional artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems run on silicon-based chips, relying on vast numbers of electronic transistors and complex algorithms to simulate neural networks. However, CL1 takes a radically different approach: it directly cultivates real human neurons and integrates them with silicon chips.

This integration is not just a simple physical connection but rather a high-bandwidth information exchange system.

At the core of CL1 is a special silicon chip embedded with tiny electrode pins, which can send electrical pulse signals to the neural network while simultaneously receiving feedback from the neurons. When neurons receive stimulation, they communicate with each other through synaptic connections, forming a complex information processing network.

The most remarkable aspect is that these neurons possess capabilities that traditional computer chips lack: self-organization, adaptive learning, and extremely low energy consumption. 





Why Might SBI “Outperform” AI?

Compared to traditional AI systems, SBI has at least three major advantages:

  1. Energy Efficiency: The human brain requires only about 20 watts of power to perform remarkable computational tasks, whereas training large AI models consumes millions of times more energy. While CL1 is not as sophisticated as the human brain, its efficiency principles are similar, consuming several orders of magnitude less energy than conventional AI.

  2. Learning Efficiency: Research from Johns Hopkins University shows that humans can learn a "same-different" task with just 10 samples, whereas AI systems in 2018 struggled even with 10^7 samples. Biological neural systems may be millions of times more efficient than conventional AI in learning.

  3. Adaptability: Neural networks spontaneously form new connections and respond to environmental changes without needing reprogramming.

Sandra Acosta, Assistant Professor at the University of Barcelona, commented that CL1 provides an extraordinary tool that allows us to cultivate neurons in a fully controlled environment, monitor their electrophysiological properties, and modify them. This marks a major turning point for long-term research. 






巴塞罗那大学的桑德拉·阿科斯塔 (Sandra Acosta)助理教授评价说,CL1为我们提供了一个令人难以置信的工具,让我们能在完全受控的环境中培养神经元,监测和修改它们的电生理特性。这绝对是长期实验的一个转折点。

From “Intelligence” to “Consciousness”? The Ethical Boundaries of Biological Computing

When scientists use living neurons for computing, an unavoidable question arises: Do these systems have "consciousness"? Can they "perceive"?

Thomas Hartung, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, introduced the concept of Organoid Intelligence (OI), pushing the field into deeper exploration. In his research published in Frontiers in Science, he stated:

"We can demonstrate more than just living cells in our human brain cultures. We can prove they can learn, remember, and make decisions. To some extent, they may even be 'perceptive' because they can sense their environment."

Such statements have raised concerns among ethicists. However, researchers maintain that current biological computing systems are far from achieving any form of consciousness. CL1 uses a limited number of neurons, lacking the complex structures and functional connections necessary for true awareness. 



约翰霍普金斯大学的Thomas Hartung教授提出了"类器官智能"(Organoid Intelligence,OI)概念,将这一领域推向了更深的探索。他在《科学前沿》上发表的研究中指出:我们可以使用人类大脑的培养物来展示的不仅仅是活细胞。我们可以证明这是学习,这是记忆,这是决策,甚至在某种程度上,它可能是“有感知的”,因为它可以感知其环境。


How Might Biological Computing Change the World?

Although CL1 has just been introduced, scientists are already envisioning its potential applications:

  1. Medical Research: Using patient-specific neurons for research on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and for drug testing.

  2. Ultra-Low Power AI: In an energy-constrained future, biological computing may provide a sustainable path for AI development.

  3. Hybrid Intelligence Systems: Combining traditional AI with biological computing to create entirely new forms of intelligence.

  4. Brain-Computer Interfaces: Enhancing human-machine interaction, potentially revolutionizing healthcare, entertainment, and communication.

Cortical Labs has announced that CL1 devices will be manufactured and shipped by the end of June 2025. Even more intriguingly, they are offering "Wetware-as-a-Service" (WaaS), allowing remote access to biological computers for application development. 







Cortical Labs已经宣布将于2025年6月底前完成CL1设备的制造和发货。更引人注目的是,他们还提供"湿件即服务"(Wetware-as-a-Service,WaaS),允许远程访问这些生物计算机来构建应用程序。

The Dawn of a New Computing Era?

From ENIAC mainframes to personal computers, from CPUs to GPUs, from classical computing to quantum computing, humanity has continuously pushed the boundaries of computation. Now, biological computing may add an entirely new dimension to this journey.

One must wonder: If computers could think like brains, then perhaps our understanding of intelligence is only just beginning. As Hon Weng Chong remarked:

"While today's announcement is exciting, it is merely the foundation for innovation. The real impact and significance will come from every researcher, scholar, or innovator who continues to build upon this foundation."

What kind of future will emerge from the combination of carbon-based and silicon-based intelligence? Let’s wait and see. 






  1. Kagan, B.J., Kitchen, A.C., Tran, N.T., et al. (2022). In vitro neurons learn and exhibit sentience when embodied in a simulated game-world. Neuron, 110(23), 3952-3969.

  2. Smirnova, L., Caffo, B.S., Gracias, D.H., et al. (2023). Organoid intelligence (OI): The new frontier in biocomputing and intelligence-in-a-dish. Frontiers in Science, 1, 1017235.

  3. Cortical Labs. (2025). CL1: The World's First Commercial Biological Computer [Press Release]. Retrieved from Cortical Labs Official Website.                              



This is a guest post from physbook team, and protected under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License. Unless otherwise stated in the comment text, without author(s) written permission, please specify: Reprinted from Physbook (RSS)/转自飛思播客 (RSS) with the article's link (Please do not change the Title. Remain the link same at least because we could make changes on the content in further updates otherwise you will be responsible to the mistake you spread to readers) OR Trackback in the comment "[...]quotes/引用[...]" with your article part and link FOR reproducing or using the whole or any part of the content.

Leia Mais

Ash Wednesday: Meaning, Significance, and How It Helps Us Understand the Bible 圣灰星期三:意义、重要性及如何帮助我们理解圣经

Eternal privacyImage by Musi_Zhang via Flickr

Ash Wednesday: Meaning, Significance, and How It Helps Us Understand the Bible


What is Ash Wednesday?


Ash Wednesday is an important day in Christian tradition that marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of repentance and spiritual preparation before Easter. It commemorates Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the wilderness and His ultimate suffering and resurrection. The name "Ash Wednesday" comes from the ritual where clergy mark the foreheads of believers with ashes in the shape of a cross, saying:

圣灰星期三(Ash Wednesday)是基督教传统中的一个重要日子,标志着**四旬期(Lent)**的开始,这是复活节前40天的忏悔和灵修准备期,以纪念耶稣在旷野禁食40天,并最终受难、复活。这个名称来源于一个仪式,神职人员在信徒额头上用灰烬画上十字,并说:

"Remember that you are dust, and to dust, you shall return." (Genesis 3:19)
“你要记得,你是尘土,仍要归于尘土。”(创世记 3:19)



"Repent, and believe in the Gospel." (Mark 1:15)
“悔改,信从福音。”(马可福音 1:15)

The ashes typically come from burnt palm branches from the previous year’s Palm Sunday, symbolizing repentance, humility, and the fleeting nature of human life.

灰烬通常来自前一年棕枝主日(Palm Sunday)使用过的棕榈叶燃烧后的灰,象征着悔改、谦卑和人类生命的短暂

Why Do We Observe Ash Wednesday?


Technically, Ash Wednesday is not a "celebration" but a day of reflection, repentance, and self-examination. Through this observance, Christians:


  1. Acknowledge human mortality and sinfulness – The ashes remind us that we will return to dust and need God's grace.
    承认人的有限性和罪性 —— 灰烬提醒我们最终会归于尘土,我们需要神的恩典。

  2. Repent and turn to God – A time to examine one’s heart and seek spiritual renewal.
    悔改并归向神 —— 反思自己的行为,并在四旬期期间努力更新自己的信仰生活。

  3. Prepare for Easter – Entering a season of spiritual discipline to focus on Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.
    预备复活节 —— 进入四旬期的灵修节奏,以更加敬虔的心迎接耶稣的受难和复活。

For many Christians, this day marks the beginning of a spiritual journey, helping them refocus their faith and priorities.


What is the Significance of Ash Wednesday?


Ash Wednesday reminds us of three key biblical principles:


  1. The Shortness of Life (Memento Mori)

    • The Latin phrase Memento Mori ("Remember that you will die") is a spiritual practice reminding us to focus on eternity rather than worldly distractions.
    • This echoes Ecclesiastes 3:20: "All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust, all return."

    生命的短暂(Memento Mori)

    • “记住你终将死去”(拉丁文:Memento Mori)是一种属灵操练,提醒我们不要沉迷于世俗,而要注目永恒的国度。
    • 这与传道书 3:20 相呼应:“都归一处,都是出于尘土,也都归于尘土。
  2. The Necessity of Repentance

    • Psalm 51:17: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."
    • Ash Wednesday symbolizes humility before God, acknowledging our need for His mercy.


    • 诗篇 51:17:“神所要的祭,就是忧伤的灵;神啊,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看。
    • 圣灰星期三象征着我们在神面前谦卑认罪,而不是依靠自己的义。
  3. Preparation for Christ’s Salvation

    • Before celebrating Easter, Christians take time to reflect deeply on sin and redemption, recognizing that salvation comes only through Christ.


    • 在进入复活节前,基督徒需要经历一个深刻的属灵反思期,认识到只有在基督里才能得救

How Can Church Traditions Help Us Better Understand the Bible?


Ash Wednesday and Lent help us engage more deeply with Scripture in the following ways:


  1. Experiencing the Bible through the Liturgical Calendar

    • The church calendar (Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost) corresponds to major biblical events, making Scripture more tangible.


    • 教会传统的节期(如圣诞节、四旬期、复活节、五旬节)与圣经中的重大事件相对应,使信仰更加具体可感。
  2. Practicing Biblical Themes of Repentance

    • The Old Testament uses dust and ashes to symbolize repentance (e.g., Job 42:6: "Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.").
    • The New Testament emphasizes true inner repentance (e.g., Matthew 6:16-18: Do not fast for outward appearances but to seek God).


    • 旧约中,尘土象征悔改(如约伯 42:6:“因此我厌恶自己,在尘土和炉灰中懊悔”)。
    • 新约中,耶稣强调内心真实的悔改(如马太福音 6:16-18,教导我们禁食时不要故意表现得痛苦,而是专注于与神的关系)。
  3. Deepening Faith through Rituals

    • Modern believers often reduce faith to intellectual agreement, but biblical faith involves both body and spirit (e.g., fasting, baptism, communion).
    • Ash Wednesday’s ritual (ashes, prayer, repentance) helps us not only think about faith but also physically experience it.


    • 现代信徒往往把信仰简化为“头脑上的认知”,但圣经中的信仰涉及身心合一(如禁食、洗礼、圣餐)。
    • 圣灰星期三的仪式(灰烬、祷告、悔改)帮助我们不仅用思想理解信仰,更用身体去经历它



Ash Wednesday is a day that reminds us of our mortality, calls us to repentance, and prepares us for Christ’s resurrection. By embracing church traditions, we can develop a deeper, more holistic understanding of the Bible and make faith a lived experience.


Ash Wednesday是什么?

Ash Wednesday(圣灰星期三)是基督教传统中的一个重要日子,标志着**四旬期(Lent)**的开始。四旬期是复活节前40天(不包括主日)的忏悔和灵修准备期,纪念耶稣在旷野禁食40天,并最终受难、复活的过程。Ash Wednesday的名字来源于仪式中牧师或神职人员在信徒额头上抹上十字形的灰烬,并说:“你要记得,你是尘土,仍要归于尘土”(创世记 3:19),或者“悔改,信从福音”(马可福音 1:15)。

灰烬通常来自前一年棕枝主日(Palm Sunday)使用过的棕榈叶燃烧后的灰,象征悔改、谦卑和人类生命的短暂

为什么要celebrate Ash Wednesday?

严格来说,Ash Wednesday不是一个“庆祝”(celebrate)性的节日,而是一个反思、忏悔和自省的日子。基督徒通过这一天的仪式和操练:

  1. 承认人的有限性和罪性 —— 通过灰烬提醒自己最终会归于尘土,我们需要神的恩典。
  2. 悔改并归向神 —— 反思自己的行为,并在四旬期期间努力更新自己的信仰生活。
  3. 预备复活节 —— 进入四旬期的灵修节奏,以更加敬虔的心迎接耶稣的受难和复活。


Ash Wednesday对我们的意义是什么?

Ash Wednesday提醒我们:

  1. 生命的短暂(Memento Mori)

    • “记住你终将死去”(拉丁文:Memento Mori)是很多修道士的属灵操练之一,提醒我们不要沉溺于世俗,而要注目永恒的国度。
    • 这与传道书 3:20 相呼应:“都归一处,都是出于尘土,也都归于尘土。”
  2. 悔改的必要

    • 诗篇 51:17:“神所要的祭,就是忧伤的灵;神啊,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看。”
    • Ash Wednesday象征我们在神面前谦卑认罪,而不是依靠自己的义。
  3. 预备基督的救恩

    • 在进入复活节前,基督徒需要经历一个深刻的属灵反思期,认识到只有在基督里才能得救。


Ash Wednesday以及整个四旬期的实践可以帮助我们更深入地理解圣经:

  1. 通过教会年历(Liturgical Calendar)进入圣经的叙事

    • 教会传统的节期,如圣诞节(Christmas)、四旬期(Lent)、复活节(Easter)、五旬节(Pentecost),都对应着圣经的重要事件。
    • 这些节期帮助我们用身体和心灵去体验圣经,而不仅仅是阅读。
  2. 实践圣经的悔改观念

    • 旧约中的尘土象征悔改(如约伯 42:6:“因此我厌恶自己,在尘土和炉灰中懊悔”)。
    • 新约中,耶稣强调内心真实的悔改(如马太福音 6:16-18,教导我们禁食时不要故意表现得痛苦,而是专注于与神的关系)。
  3. 透过仪式深化信仰体验

    • 现代信徒往往容易将信仰简化为“知识上的同意”(intellectual assent),但圣经中的信仰常常是身体与心灵的结合(如禁食、洗礼、圣餐)。
    • Ash Wednesday的仪式(灰烬、祷告、悔改)帮助我们不仅用头脑思考信仰,也用身体去经历它。


即使不属于传统礼仪教会,我们仍然可以在Ash Wednesday和四旬期期间:

  • 个人悔改与祷告:花时间在神面前反思,认罪并寻求更新。
  • 禁食与操练:可以选择戒掉某些事物(如社交媒体、娱乐)来更专注于神。
  • 默想圣经:读诗篇51篇、马太福音6章,默想悔改的意义。


Ash Wednesday不是一个“快乐”的节日,而是一个提醒我们生命短暂、需要悔改并归向神的日子。透过传统,我们不仅可以更好地理解圣经的教导,还能更深入地经历信仰,使之成为生活的一部分。






This is a guest post from physbook team, and protected under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License. Unless otherwise stated in the comment text, without author(s) written permission, please specify: Reprinted from Physbook (RSS)/转自飛思播客 (RSS) with the article's link (Please do not change the Title. Remain the link same at least because we could make changes on the content in further updates otherwise you will be responsible to the mistake you spread to readers) OR Trackback in the comment "[...]quotes/引用[...]" with your article part and link FOR reproducing or using the whole or any part of the content.

Leia Mais

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Mar.4, 2025 川普总统国会演讲全文 FULL SPEECH:Trump addresses Congress

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Full Transcript of President Trump’s Speech to Congress

In a speech to Congress in his first weeks in office, the president laid out his vision to remake U.S. policy on the military, trade, immigration and foreign aid.

President Trump standing at a dais and speaking, with Vice President JD Vance and Speaker Mike Johnson behind him. People on the right side of the room are standing and applauding while people on the left are sitting.

President Trump standing at a dais and speaking, with Vice President JD Vance and Speaker Mike Johnson behind him. People on the right side of the room are standing and applauding while people on the left are sitting.

President Trump delivering an address to Congress on Tuesday.Credit...Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times

By The New York Times

March 4, 2025

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President Trump delivered his address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday. The following is a transcript of his remarks, as recorded by The New York Times.

President Trump: Speaker Johnson. Vice President Vance, the first lady of the United States. Members of the United States Congress, thank you very much. And to my fellow citizens, America is back.

Six weeks ago, I stood beneath the dome of this Capitol and proclaimed the dawn of the golden age of America. From that moment on, it has been nothing but swift and unrelenting action to usher in the greatest and most successful era in the history of our country. We have accomplished more in 43 days than most administrations accomplish in four years or eight years — and we are just getting started. Thank you.

I return to this chamber tonight to report that America’s momentum is back. Our spirit is back. Our pride is back. Our confidence is back. And the American dream is surging — bigger and better than ever before. The American dream is unstoppable, and our country is on the verge of a comeback the likes of which the world has never witnessed, and perhaps will never witness again. Never been anything like it.

The presidential election of Nov. 5 was a mandate like has not been seen in many decades. We won all seven swing states, giving us an Electoral College victory of 312 votes.

We won the popular vote by big numbers and won counties in our country —

Representative Al Green, Democrat of Texas, and others interrupt President Trump.

Crowd: U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Mr. Trump: — and won counties in our country, 2,700 to 525 on a map that reads almost completely red for Republican. Now, for the first time in modern history, more Americans believe that our country is headed in the right direction than the wrong direction. In fact, it’s an astonishing record: 27-point swing, the most ever.

Mr. Trump: Likewise, small business optimism saw its single largest one-month gain ever recorded, a 41-point jump.

Speaker Mike Johnson, Republican of Louisiana: Members are directed to uphold and maintain decorum in the House, and to cease any further disruptions. That’s your warning. Members are engaging in willful and continuing breach of decorum, and the chair is prepared to direct the sergeant-at-arms to restore order to the joint session.

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Mr. Johnson: Mr. Green, take your seat. Take your seat, sir. Take your seat. Finding that members continue to engage in willful and concerted disruption of proper decorum, the chair now directs the sergeant-at-arms to restore order. Remove this gentleman from the chamber.

Mr. Johnson: Members are directed to uphold and maintain decorum in the house. Mr. President, you continue.

Mr. Trump: Thank you. Over the past six weeks, I have signed nearly 100 executive orders and taken more than 400 executive actions, a record to restore common sense, safety, optimism and wealth all across our wonderful land. The people elected me to do the job, and I’m doing it.

In fact, it has been stated by many that the first month of our presidency — it’s our presidency — is the most successful in the history of our nation. By many.

And what makes it even more impressive is that do you know who No. 2 is? George Washington. How about that? How about that? I don’t know about that list, but. But we’ll take it. Within hours of taking the oath of office, I declared a national emergency on our southern border. And I deployed the U.S. military and Border Patrol to repel the invasion of our country. And what a job they’ve done. As a result, illegal border crossings last month were by far the lowest ever recorded ever.

They heard my words and they chose not to come. Much easier that way. In comparison, under Joe Biden, the worst president in American history, there were hundreds of thousands of illegal crossings a month and virtually all of them, including murderers, drug dealers, gang members, and people from mental institutions and insane asylums, were released into our country. Who would want to do that?

This is my fifth such speech to Congress, and, once again, I look at the Democrats in front of me and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud. Nothing I can do. I could find a cure to the most devastating disease, a disease that would wipe out entire nations or announce the answers to greatest economy in history or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded, and these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements. They won’t do it no matter what. Five, five times I’ve been up here. It’s very sad. And it just shouldn’t be this way.

So, Democrats sitting before me, for just this one night, why not join us in celebrating so many incredible wins for America? For the good of our nation, let’s work together and let’s truly make America great again.

Every day my administration is fighting to deliver the change America needs to bring a future that America deserves, and we’re doing it. This is a time for big dreams and bold action. Upon taking office, I imposed an immediate freeze on all federal hiring, a freeze on all new federal regulations and a freeze on all foreign aid.

I terminated the ridiculous “green new scam.” I withdrew from the unfair Paris climate accord, which was costing us trillions of dollars that other countries were not paying. I withdrew from the corrupt World Health Organization. And I also withdrew from the anti-American U.N. Human Rights Council. We ended all of Biden’s environmental restrictions that were making our country far less safe and totally unaffordable. And importantly, we ended the last administration’s insane electric vehicle mandate, saving our auto workers and companies from economic destruction.

To unshackle our economy, I have directed that for every one new regulation, 10 old regulations must be eliminated — just like I did in my very successful first term.

And in that first term, we set records on ending unnecessary rules and regulations like no other president had done before. We ordered all federal workers to return to the office. They will either show up for work in person or be removed from their job. And we’ve ended weaponized government where, as an example, a sitting president is allowed to viciously prosecute his political opponent, like me. How did that work out? Not too good. Not too good.

And I’ve stopped all government censorship and brought back free speech in America. It’s back. And two days ago, I signed an order making English the official language of the United States of America. I renamed the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. And likewise, I renamed, for a great president, William McKinley, Mount McKinley again. Beautiful Alaska, we love Alaska. We love Alaska.

We’ve ended the tyranny of so-called diversity, equity and inclusion policies all across the entire federal government. And indeed the private sector and our military. And our country will be woke no longer. We believe that whether you are a doctor, an accountant, a lawyer or an air traffic controller, you should be hired and promoted based on skill and competence, not race or gender. Very important. You should be hired based on merit. And the Supreme Court, in a brave and very powerful decision, has allowed us to do so. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you.

We have removed the poison of critical race theory from our public schools, and I signed an order making it the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female. I also signed an executive order to ban men from playing in women’s sports.

Three years ago, Payton McNabb was an all-star high school athlete, one of the best, preparing for a future in college sports. But when her girls’ volleyball match was invaded by a man, he smashed the ball so hard in Payton’s face, causing traumatic brain injury, partially paralyzing her right side and ending her athletic career. It was a shot like she’s never seen before. She’s never seen anything like it. Payton is here tonight in the gallery, and Payton, from now on, schools will kick the men off the girls’ team or they will lose all federal funding.

And if you really want to see numbers, just take a look at what happened in the women’s boxing, weight lifting, track and field, swimming or cycling, where a male recently finished a long-distance race five hours and 14 minutes ahead of a woman for a new record by five hours — broke the record by five hours. It’s demeaning for women, and it’s very bad for our country. We’re not going to put up with it any longer.

What I have just described is only a small fraction of the common-sense revolution that is now — because of us — sweeping the entire world. Common sense has become a common theme, and we will never go back, never — ever going to let that happen. Among my very highest priorities is to rescue our economy and get dramatic and immediate relief to working families. As you know, we inherited from the last administration an economic catastrophe and an inflation nightmare.

Their policies drove up energy prices, pushed up grocery costs and drove the necessities of life out of reach for millions and millions of Americans. They’ve never had anything like it. We suffered the worst inflation in 48 years. But perhaps even in the history of our country, they’re not sure. As president, I’m fighting every day to reverse this damage and make America affordable again.

Joe Biden especially let the price of eggs get out of control. The egg prices, out of control. And we’re working hard to get it back down. Secretary, do a good job on that — you inherited a total mess from the previous administration. Do a good job. A major focus of our fight to defeat inflation is rapidly reducing the cost of energy. The previous administration cut the number of new oil and gas leases by 95 percent, slowed pipeline construction to a halt and closed more than 100 power plants — we are opening up many of those power plants right now.

And frankly, we have never seen anything like it. That’s why, on my first day in office, I declared a national energy emergency. As you’ve heard me say many times, we have more liquid gold under our feet than any nation on earth, and by far, and now I fully authorize the most talented team ever assembled to go and get it. It’s called drill, baby, drill.

Tracking Trump’s First 100 Days ›

The Trump administration’s previous actions on North American tariffs

March 1

Ordered an increase in U.S. lumber production ›

Feb. 27

Said that tariffs on Mexico and Canada would go into effect on March 4 ›

Feb. 3

Delayed tariffs on Canada ›

Feb. 3

Delayed tariffs on Mexico ›

Feb. 1

Officially announced tariffs on imports from Canada ›

Feb. 1

Officially announced tariffs on imports from Mexico ›

Jan. 21

Promised to impose tariffs on Canada and Mexico ›

See every major action by the Trump administration ›

Read the Full Transcript of President Trump’s Speech to Congress - The New York Times

My administration is also working on a gigantic natural gas pipeline in Alaska, among the largest in the world, where Japan, South Korea and other nations want to be our partner with investments of trillions of dollars each. It has never been anything like that one. It will be truly spectacular. It’s all set to go. The permitting has gotten.

And later this week, I will also take historic action to dramatically expand production of critical minerals and rare earths here in the U.S.A.

To further combat inflation, we will not only be reducing the cost of energy, but will be ending the flagrant waste of taxpayer dollars. And to that end, I have created the brand new Department of Government Efficiency. DOGE. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. Perhaps. Which is headed by Elon Musk, who is in the gallery tonight.

Thank you, Elon. He’s working very hard. He didn’t need this. He didn’t need this. Thank you very much, we appreciate it. Everybody here — even this side appreciates it, I believe. They just don’t want to admit that. Just listen to some of the appalling waste we have already identified.

$22 billion from H.H.S. to provide free housing and cars for illegal aliens. $45 million for diversity, equity, and inclusion scholarships in Burma. $40 million to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants. Nobody knows what that is. $8 million to promote L.G.B.T.Q.I.+ in the African nation of Lesotho, which nobody has ever heard of.

$60 million for Indigenous peoples and Afro-Caribbean empowerment in Central America — $60 million. $8 million for making mice transgender — this is real. $32 million for a left-wing propaganda operation in Moldova. $10 million for male circumcision in Mozambique. $20 million for the Arab “Sesame Street” in the Middle East. It’s a program. $20 million for a program.

$1.9 billion to recently created decarbonization of homes committee, headed up — and we know she’s involved — just at the last moment, the money was passed over by a woman named Stacey Abrams. Have you ever heard of her?

A $3.5 million consulting contract for lavish fish monitoring. $1.5 million for voter confidence in Liberia; $14 million for social cohesion in Mali; $59 million for illegal alien hotel rooms in New York City. He’s a real estate developer. He’s done very well. $250,000 to increase vegan local climate action innovation in Zambia. $42 million for social and behavioral change in Uganda.

$14 million for improving public procurement in Serbia. $47 million for improving learning outcomes in Asia. Asia is doing very well with learning. You know what we’re doing — could use it ourselves. And $101 million for D.E.I. contracts at the Department of Education — the most ever paid, nothing even like it.

Under the Trump administration, all of these scams — and there are far worse — but I didn’t think it was appropriate to talk about them. They’re so bad. Many more have been found out and exposed and swiftly terminated by a group of very intelligent, mostly young people headed up by Elon, and we appreciate it. We found hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud.

And we’ve taken back the money and reduced our debt to fight inflation and other things — taken back a lot of that money. We got it just in time. This is just the beginning.

The Government Accountability Office, the federal government office, has estimated annual fraud of over $500 billion in our nation. And we are working very hard to stop it. We’re going to. We’re also identifying shocking levels of incompetence and probable fraud in the Social Security program for our seniors, and that our seniors and people that we love rely on.

Believe it or not, government databases list 4.7 million Social Security members from people aged 100 to 109 years old. It lists 3.6 million people from ages 110 to 119. I don’t know any of them. I know some people who are rather elderly but not quite that elderly. 3.47 million people from ages 120 to 129. 3.9 million people from ages 130 to 139. 3.5 million people from ages 140 to 149. And money is being paid to many of them, and we are searching right now.

In fact, Pam, good luck. Good luck. You’re going to find it. But a lot of money is paid out to people, because it just keeps getting paid and paid and nobody does — and it really hurts Social Security, it hurts our country. 1.3 million people from ages 150 to 159, and over 130,000 people, according to the Social Security databases, are age over 160 years old. We have a healthier country than I thought, Bobby.

Including, to finish, 1,039 people between the ages of 220 and 229. One person between the age of 240 and 249 — and one person is listed at 360 years of age. More than 100 years — more than 100 years older than our country. But we’re going to find out where that money is going, and it’s not going to be pretty. By slashing all of the fraud, waste and theft we can find, we will defeat inflation, bring down mortgage rates, lower car payments and grocery prices, protect our seniors and put more money in the pockets of American families.

And today, interest rates took a beautiful drop, big beautiful drop — it’s about time. And in the near future, I want to do what has not been done in 24 years: balance the federal budget. We are going to balance it. With that goal in mind, we have developed in great detail what we are calling the gold card, which goes on sale very, very soon. For $5 million, we will allow the most successful job-creating people from all over the world to buy a path to U.S. citizenship.

It’s like the green card but better and more sophisticated. And these people will have to pay tax in our country. They won’t have to pay tax from where they came. The money that they’ve made, you wouldn’t want to do that. But they have to pay tax, create jobs. They’ll also be taking people out of colleges and paying for them so that we can keep them in our country instead of having them be — being forced out. No. 1 at the top school, as an example, being forced out and not being allowed to stay and create tremendous numbers of jobs and great success for a company out there.

So while we take out the criminals, killers, traffickers and child predators who were allowed to enter our country under the open-border policy of these people, the Democrats, the Biden administration — the open border, insane policies that you have allowed to destroy our country — we will now bring in brilliant, hard-working, job-creating people. They’re going to pay a lot of money, and we’re going to reduce our debt with that money.

Americans have given us a mandate for bold and profound change. For nearly 100 years, the federal bureaucracy has grown until it has crushed our freedoms, ballooned our deficits and held back America’s potential in every possible way. The nation founded by pioneers and risk-takers now drowns under millions and millions of pages of regulations and debt: Approvals that should take 10 days to get instead take 10 years, 15 years and even 20 years before you rejected.

Meanwhile, we have hundreds of thousands of federal workers who have not been showing up to work. My administration will reclaim power from this unaccountable bureaucracy, and we will restore true democracy to America again.

And any federal bureaucrat who resists this change will be removed from office immediately. Because we are draining the swamp. It’s very simple. And the days of rule by unelected bureaucrats are over.

And the next phase of our plan to deliver the greatest economy in history is for this Congress to pass tax cuts for everybody. They’re in there. They’re waiting for you to vote. And I’m sure that the people on my right, I don’t mean the Republican right, but my right — right here — I’m sure you’re going to vote for those tax cuts, because otherwise I don’t believe the people will ever vote you into office. So I’m doing a big favor by telling you that. But I know this group is going to be voting for the tax.

Thank you. It’s a very, very big part of our plan. We had tremendous success in our first term, with a very big part of our plan, we’re seeking permanent income tax cuts all across the board. And to get urgently needed relief to Americans hit especially hard by inflation, I’m calling for no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on Social Security benefits for our great seniors.

And I also want to make interest payments on car loans tax deductible — but only if the car is made in America. And by the way, we are going to have growth in the auto industry like nobody has ever seen. Plants are opening up all over the place. Deals are being made — never seen. That’s a combination of the election win and tariffs. It’s a beautiful word, isn’t it?

That along with our other policies will allow our auto industry to absolutely boom. It’s going to boom. Spoke to the majors today, all three, the top people, and they’re so excited. In fact, already numerous car companies have announced that they will be building massive automobile plants in America, with Honda just announcing a new plant in Indiana, one of the largest anywhere in the world. And this has taken place since our great victory on Nov. 5, a date which will hopefully go down as one of the most important in the history of our country.

In addition, as part of our tax cuts, we want to cut taxes on domestic production and all manufacturing. And just as we did before, we will provide 100 percent expensing. It will be retroactive to Jan. 20, 2025. And it was one of the main reasons why our tax cuts were so successful in our first term, giving us the most successful economy in the history of our country. First term, we had a great first term.

If you don’t make your product in America, however, under the Trump administration, you will pay a tariff and in some cases, a rather large one. Other countries have used tariffs against us for decades and now it’s our turn to start using them against those other countries. On average, the European Union, China, Brazil, India, Mexico and Canada — have you heard of them? And countless other nations charge us tremendously higher tariffs than we charge them.

It’s very unfair. India charges us auto tariffs higher than 100 percent. China’s average tariff on our products is twice what we charge them. And South Korea’s average tariff is four times higher. Think of that. Four times higher. And we give so much help militarily and in so many other ways to South Korea. But that’s what happens. This is happening by friend and foe.

This system is not fair to the United States and never was, and so on April 2 — I wanted to make it April 1, but I didn’t want to be accused of April Fools’ Day — it’s not — it’s just one day which costs us a lot of money. But we are going to do it in April. I’m a very superstitious person. April 2, reciprocal tariffs kick in, and whatever they tariff us, other countries, we will tariff them. That’s reciprocal, back and forth.

Whatever they tax us, we will tax them. If they do nonmonetary tariffs to keep us out of their market, then we will do nonmonetary barriers to keep them out of our market. There’s a lot of that too. They don’t even allow us in their market. We will take in trillions and trillions of dollars and create jobs like we have never seen before. I did it with China, and I did it with others and the Biden administration couldn’t do anything about it because it was so much money they couldn’t do anything about it. We’ve been ripped off for decades by nearly every country on earth, and we will not let that happen any longer.

Much has been said over the last three months about Mexico and Canada. But we have very large deficits with both of them. But even more importantly, they have allowed fentanyl to come into our country at levels never seen before, killing hundreds of thousands of our citizens and many very young, beautiful people, destroying families. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it. They are in effect receiving subsidies of hundreds of billions of dollars. We pay subsidies to Canada and to Mexico of hundreds of billions of dollars. And the United States will not be doing that any longer. We are not going to do it any longer.

Thanks to our America First policies we are putting into place, we have had $1.7 trillion of new investment in America in just the past few weeks. The combination of the election and our economic policies that people of Softbank, one of the most brilliant anywhere in the world, announced a $200 billion investment. OpenAI and Oracle, Larry Ellison, announced $500 billion investment, which they wouldn’t have done if Kamala had won.

Apple announced $500 billion investment. Tim Cook called me. He said: I cannot spend it fast enough. It’s going to be much higher than that I believe. They will be building their plants here instead of in China. And just yesterday, Taiwan Semiconductor, the biggest in the world, most powerful in the world, has a tremendous amount, 97 percent of the market, announced a $165 billion investment to build the most powerful chips on earth, right here in the U.S.A.

And we are not giving them any money. Your CHIPS Act is a horrible, horrible thing. We give hundreds of billions of dollars and it doesn’t mean a thing. They take our money and they don’t spend it. All that meant to them — we giving them no money — all that was important to them was that they didn’t want to pay the tariffs, so they came and are building, and many other companies are coming.

We don’t have to give them money; we just want to protect our businesses and our people, and they will come because they won’t have to pay tariffs if they build in America. That feel like it’s amazing. You should get rid of the CHIP Act and whatever’s left over, Mr. Speaker, you should use it to reduce debt. Or any other reason you want to.

Our new trade policy will also be great for the American farmer — I love the farmer — who will now be selling into our home market, the U.S.A., because nobody is going to be able to compete with you. Because those goods that come in from other countries and companies are really, really in a bad position in so many different ways.

They are uninspected, they may be very dirty and disgusting when they come in, and they pour in and they hurt our American farmers. The tariffs will go on — agricultural product coming into America and our farmers starting on April 2, may be a little bit of an adjustment period. We had that before when I made the deal with China. $50 billion of purchases and I said just bear with me and they did. They did. Probably have to bear with me again. And this will be even better. That was great. The problem with it was that Biden didn’t enforce it. He didn’t enforce it.

$50 billion of purchases and we were doing great, but Biden did not enforce it and it hurt our farmers. But our farmers are going to have a field day right now. So to our farmers, have a lot of fun. I love you too. I love you too.

And I have also imposed a 25 percent tariff on foreign aluminum, copper, lumber and steel because if we don’t have, as an example, steel, and lots of other things, we don’t have a military and frankly we won’t have — we just won’t have a country very long. Here today is a proud American steelworker. A fantastic person. From Decatur, Ala., Jeff Denard, has been working at the same steel plant for 27 years in a job that has allowed him to serve as the captain of his local volunteer fire department.

Raised seven children with his beautiful wife Nicole and over the years provide a loving home for more than 40 foster children. So great job. Thank you. Thank you, Jeff.

Stories like Jeff’s remind us that tariffs are not just about protecting American jobs. They are about protecting the soul of our country. Tariffs are about making America rich again and making America great again, and it is happening and it will happen rather quickly. There will be a little disturbance, but we are OK with that. It won’t be much. No, you’re not.

And look where Biden took us. Very low, the lowest we’ve ever been. Jeff, I want to thank you very much and I also want to recognize another person who has devoted herself to foster care, community, she works so hard on it. Very loving person, our magnificent first lady of the United States.

Melania’s work has yielded incredible results, helping prepare our nation’s future leaders as they enter the work force. Our first lady is joined by two impressive young women, very impressive, Haley Ferguson, who benefited from the first lady’s Fostering the Future initiative, and is poised to complete her education and become a teacher. And Elliston Berry, who became a victim of an illicit deepfake image produced by a peer. With Elliston’s help, the Senate just passed the Take It Down Act.

And this is so important, thank you very much, John. John Thune, thank you. Stand up, John. Thank you, John. Thank you all very much. Thank you. And thank you to John Thune and the Senate. Great job. Decriminalize the publication of such images online is terrible, terrible thing. And once it passes the House, I look forward to signing the bill into law. Thank you. And I’m going to use that bill for myself too, if you don’t mind, because nobody gets treated worse than I do online, nobody. That’s great. Thank you very much to the Senate, thank you.

But if we truly care about protecting Americans’ children, no step is more crucial than securing America’s borders. Over the past four years, 21 million people poured into the United States — many of them were murderers, human traffickers, gang members and other criminals from the streets of dangerous cities all throughout the world. Because of Joe Biden’s insane and very dangerous open border policies, they are now strongly embedded in our country. But we are getting them out and getting them out fast.

And I want to thank Tom Homan and Kristi, I want to thank you, and Paul of Border Patrol. I want to thank you. What a job they’ve all done — everybody, Border Patrol, ICE, law enforcement in general is incredible, we have to take care of our law enforcement. We have to.

Last year, a brilliant 22-year-old nursing student named Laken Riley, the best in her class, admired by everybody, went out for a jog on the campus of the University of Georgia. That morning, Laken was viciously attacked, assaulted, beaten, brutalized and horrifically murdered.

Laken was stolen from us by a savage illegal alien gang member who was arrested while trespassing across Biden’s open southern border and then set loose into the United States under the heartless policies of that failed administration. It was indeed a failed administration. He had then been arrested and released in a Democrat-run sanctuary city, a disaster, before ending the life of this beautiful young angel.

With us this evening are Laken’s beloved mother, Allyson, and her sister, Lauren. Last year, I told Laken’s grieving parents that we would ensure their daughter would not have died in vain. That’s why the very first bill I signed into law as your 47th president mandates the detention of all dangerous criminal aliens who threaten public safety. It’s a very strong, powerful act. It’s called the Laken Riley Act. So, Allyson and Lauren, America will never ever forget our beautiful Laken Hope Riley. Thank you very much.

Since taking office, my administration has launched the most sweeping border and immigration crackdown in American history, and we quickly achieved the lowest numbers of illegal border crossers ever recorded. Thank you. The media and our friends in the Democrat party kept saying we needed new legislation, we must have legislation to secure the border. But it turned out that all we really needed was a new president.

Thank you. Joe Biden didn’t just open our borders, he flew illegal aliens over them to overwhelm our schools, hospitals, and communities throughout the country. Entire towns like Aurora, Colorado, and Springfield, Ohio, buckled under the weight of the migrant occupation and corruption like nobody’s ever seen before. Beautiful towns destroyed.

Now just as I promised in my inaugural address, we are achieving the great liberation of America. But there’s still — there still is much work to be done. Here tonight is a woman I’ve gotten to know, Alexis Nungaray from Houston, wonderful woman. Last year, Alexis’s 12-year-old daughter, her precious Jocelyn, walked to a nearby convenience store. She was kidnapped, tied up, assaulted for two hours under a bridge and horrifically murdered. Arrested and charged with this heinous crime are two illegal alien monsters from Venezuela, released into America by the last administration through their ridiculous open border.

The death of this beautiful 12-year-old girl and the agony of her mother and family touched our entire nation, greatly. Alexis, I promised that we would always remember your daughter, you are a magnificent daughter, and earlier tonight I signed an order keeping my word to you. One thing I’ve learned about Jocelyn is that she loved animals so much, she loved nature.

Across Galveston Bay from where Jocelyn lived in Houston, you’ll find a magnificent National Wildlife Refuge, a pristine, peaceful 34,000-acre sanctuary for all of God’s creatures on the edge of the Gulf of America. Alexis, moments ago I’ve formally renamed that refuge in loving memory of your beautiful daughter, Jocelyn. So, Mr. Vice President, if you would, may I have the order?

Thank you very much. All three savages charged with Jocelyn and Laken’s murderers were members of the Venezuelan prison gang, the toughest gang, they say, in the world, known as Tren de Aragua. Two weeks ago, I officially designated this gang, along with MS-13 and the bloodthirsty Mexican drug cartels, as foreign terrorist organizations.

They are now officially in the same category as ISIS, and that is not good for them. Countless thousands of these terrorists were welcomed into the U.S. by the Biden administration. But now every last one will be rounded up and forcibly removed from our country, or if they are too dangerous, put in jails, standing trial in this country because we don’t want them to come back ever. With us this evening is a warrior on the front lines of that battle, a Border Patrol agent, Roberto Ortiz. Great guy.

In January, Roberto and another agent were patrolling by the Rio Grande near an area known as Cartel Island — doesn’t sound too nice to me. When heavily armed gunmen started shooting at them, Roberto saw that his partner was totally exposed to great danger and he leaped into action, returning fire and providing crucial seconds for his fellow agent to seek safety — just and just barely.

I have some of the prints of that event and it was not good. Agent Ortiz, we salute you for your great courage and for your line of fire that you took and for the bravery that you showed. We honor you and we will always honor you, thank you, Roberto, very much.

Thank you, Roberto. And I actually got to know him on my many calls to the border. He is a great, great gentleman. The territory to the immediate south of our border is now dominated entirely by criminal cartels that murder, rape, torture and exercise total control. They have total control over a whole nation, posing a grave threat to our national security.

The cartels are waging war in America, and it’s time for America to wage war on the cartels, which we are doing.

Five nights ago, Mexican authorities, because of our tariff policies being imposed on them, think of this, handed over to us 29 of the biggest cartel leaders in their country. That has never happened before. They want to make us happy. First time ever. But we need Mexico and Canada to do much more than they’ve done, and they have to stop the fentanyl and drugs pouring into the U.S.A.

They are going to stop it. I have sent Congress a detailed funding request laying out exactly how we will eliminate these threats to protect our homeland and complete the largest deportation operation in American history, larger even than current record-holder President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a moderate man but someone who believed very strongly in borders. Americans expect Congress to send me this funding without delay so I can sign it into law. So Mr. Speaker, John Thune, both of you, I hope you’re going to be able to do that. Mr. Speaker, thank you. Mr. Leader, thank you. Thank you very much. Let’s get it to me. I’ll sign it so fast you won’t even believe it.

And as we reclaim our sovereignty, we must also bring back law and order to our cities and towns. In recent years, our justice system has been turned upside down by radical left lunatics. Many jurisdictions virtually ceased enforcing the law against dangerous repeat offenders while weaponizing law enforcement against political opponents, like me. My administration has acted swiftly and decisively to restore fair, equal and impartial justice under the constitutional rule of law, starting at the F.B.I. and the D.O.J. Pam, good luck. Kash, wherever you may be, good luck. Good luck. Pam Bondi, good luck. So important. You’re going to do a great job. Kash, thank you. Thank you, Kash.

They’ve already started very strong. They are going to do a fantastic job. You’re going to be very proud of them. We are also once again giving our police officers the support, protection and respect they so dearly deserve. They have to get it. They have such a hard, dangerous job, but we’re going to make it less dangerous. The problem is the bad guys don’t respect the law, but they are starting to respect it and they soon will respected. This also includes our great fire departments throughout the country; our firemen and women are unbelievable people and we’ll never forget them. And besides that, they voted for me in record numbers, so I have no choice.

One year ago this month, 31-year-old New York police officer Jonathan Diller, unbelievably wonderful person and a great officer, was gunned down at a traffic stop in Long Island. I went to his funeral. The vicious criminal charged with his murder had 21 prior arrests, and they were rough arrests too. He was a real bad one. The thug in the seat next to him had 14 prior arrests and went by the name of “Killer.” He was “Killer.” He killed other people; they say a lot of them. I attended Officer Diller’s service and when I met his wife and 1-year-old son, Ryan, it was very inspirational, actually. His widow’s name is Stephanie, and she is here tonight. Stephanie, thank you very much. Stephanie, thank you.

Stephanie, we’re going to make sure that Ryan knows his dad was a true hero, New York’s finest, and we’re going to get these cold-blooded killers and repeat offenders off our streets and we are going to do it fast. Got to stop it. They get out with 28 arrests, they push people into subway trains. They hit people over the head, back of the head with baseball bats. We’ve got to get them out of here. I have already signed an executive order requiring a mandatory death penalty for anyone who murders a police officer, and tonight I’m asking Congress to pass that policy into permanent law.

I am also asking for a new crime bill, getting tough on repeat offenders while enhancing protections for America’s police officers so they can do their jobs without fear of their lives being totally destroyed. They don’t want to be killed. We are not going to let them be killed. Joining us in the gallery tonight is a young man who truly loves our police. His name is DJ Daniel, he is 13 years old and he has always dreamed of becoming a police officer. But in 2018, DJ was diagnosed with brain cancer. The doctors gave him five months at most to live. That was more than six years ago.

Since that time, DJ and his dad have been on a quest to make his dream come true and DJ has been sworn in as an honorary law enforcement officer, actually a number of times. The police love him. The police departments love him. And tonight, DJ, we are going to do you the biggest honor of them all. I am asking our new Secret Service director, Sean Curran, to officially make you an agent of the United States Secret Service.

Crowd: DJ! DJ! DJ!

Mr. Trump: Thank you, DJ. DJ’s doctors believe his cancer likely came from a chemical he was exposed to when he was younger. Since 1975, rates of child cancer have increased by more than 40 percent. Reversing this trend is one of the top priorities for our new presidential commission to Make America Healthy Again chaired by our new secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. With a name Kennedy, you would have thought everybody over here would have been cheering. How quickly they forget!

Our goal is to get toxins out of our environment, poisons out of our food supply, and keep our children healthy and strong. As an example, not long ago, and you can’t even believe these numbers, one in 10,000 children have autism. One in 10,000. And now it’s one in 36. There’s something wrong. One in 36. Think of that. So we’re going to find out what it is and there’s nobody better than Bobby and all of the people that are working with you. You have the best to figure out what is going on. OK, Bobby, good luck. It’s a very important job. Thank you. Thank you.

My administration is also working to protect our children from toxic ideologies in our schools. A few years ago, January Littlejohn and her husband discovered that their daughter’s school had secretly socially transitioned their 13-year-old little girl, teachers and administrators conspired to deceive January and her husband while encouraging her daughter to use a new name and pronouns. They/them pronoun actually. All without telling January, it was here tonight and is now a courageous advocate against this form of child abuse. January, thank you.

Thank you very much. Thank you. Stories like this are why shortly after taking office, I signed an executive order banning public schools from indoctrinating our children with transgender ideology.

I also signed an order to cut off all taxpayer funding to any institution that engages in the sexual mutilation of our youth. Now I want Congress to pass a bill permanently banning and criminalizing sex changes on children and forever ending the lie that any child is trapped in the wrong body. This is a big lie. And our message to every child in America is that you are perfect exactly the way God made you.

Because we are getting wokeness out of our schools and out of our military and it’s already out and it’s out of our society, we don’t want it. Wokeness is trouble, wokeness is bad, it’s gone. It’s gone. And we feel so much better for it, don’t we? Don’t we feel better?

Our service members won’t be activists and ideologues, they will be fighters and warriors, they will fight for our country and Pete, congratulations. Secretary of defense. Congratulations.

And he is not big into the woke movement, I can tell you that. I know him well. I am pleased to report that in January, the U.S. Army had its single best recruiting month in 15 years. And that all armed services are having among the best recruiting results ever in the history of our services. What a difference.

And you know it was just a few months ago where the results were exactly the opposite. We could not recruit anywhere, we couldn’t recruit. Now we are having the best results — just about that we ever had. What a tremendous turnaround. It’s really a beautiful thing to see. People love our country again, it is very simple. They love our country and they love being in our military again. So it’s a great thing and thank you very much. Great job. Thank you.

We are joined tonight by a young man, Jason Hartley, who knows the weight of that call of duty. Jason’s father, grandfather and great-grandfather all wore the uniform. Jason tragically lost his dad, who was also a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy, when he was just a boy. Now he wants to carry on the family legacy of service. Jason is a senior in high school, a six-letter varsity athlete, really good athlete they say, a brilliant student with a 4.46 — that’s good — G.P.A. His greatest dream is to attend the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

And Jason, that’s a very big deal, getting in. That’s a hard one to get into. But I am pleased to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will soon be joining the corps of cadets. Thank you. Jason, you’re going to be on the long gray line, Jason. As commander in chief, my focus is on building the most powerful military of the future. As a first step, I am asking Congress to fund a state-of-the-art golden dome missile defense shield to protect our homeland — all made in the U.S.A.

Ronald Reagan wanted to do it long ago, but the technology just wasn’t there, not even close. But now we have the technology. It’s incredible, actually. And other places — they have it, Israel has it. Other places have it. And the United States should have it too, right, Tim, right? They should have it too. So I want to thank you. But it’s a very, very important — this is a very dangerous world — we should have it.

We want to be protected, and we are going to protect our citizens like never before. To boost our defense industrial base we are also going to resurrect the American shipbuilding industry, including commercial shipbuilding and military shipbuilding. And for that purpose, I am announcing tonight that we will create a new office of shipbuilding in the White House that offers special tax incentives to bring this industry home to America where it belongs. We used it to make so many ships. We don’t make them anymore very much, but we’re going to make them very fast, very soon. It will have a huge impact.

To further enhance our national security, my administration will be reclaiming the Panama Canal, and we’ve already started doing it. Just today a large American company announced they are buying both ports around the Panama Canal and lots of other things having to do with the Panama Canal and a couple other canals. The Panama Canal was built by Americans for Americans, not for others. But others could use it.

But it was built at tremendous cost of American blood and treasure. 38,000 workers died building the Panama Canal. They died of malaria, they died of snakebites and mosquitoes. Not a nice place to work. They paid them very highly to go there knowing there was 25 percent chance that they would die. The most expensive project also that was ever built in our country’s history, if you bring it up to modern-day costs. It was given away by the Carter administration for $1. But that agreement has been violated very severely. We didn’t give it to China; we gave it to Panama, and we’re taking it back.

And we have Marco Rubio in charge. Good luck, Marco. Now we know who to blame if anything goes wrong. No, Marco has been amazing and he’s going to do a great job. Think of it. He got 100 votes. You know, he was approved with actually 99 but the 100th was this gentleman, and I feel very certain, so let’s assume he got 100 votes. And I’m either very, very happy about that or I’m very concerned about it. But he’s already proven — I mean he’s a great gentleman, he’s respected by everybody and we appreciate you voting for Marco. He’s going to do a fantastic job. Thank you. Thank you. He’s doing a great job. Great job.

And I also have a message tonight for the incredible people of Greenland. We strongly support your right to determine your own future. And if you choose, we welcome you into the United States of America. We need Greenland for national security and even international security. And we’re working with everybody involved to try and get it. But we need it really for international world security. And I think we’re going to get it — one way or the other, we’re going to get it. We will keep you safe. We will make you rich. And together, we will take Greenland to heights like you have never thought possible before. It’s a very small population but very, very large piece of land and very, very important for military security.

America is once again standing strong against the forces of radical Islamic terrorism. Three and a half years ago, ISIS terrorists killed 13 American service members and countless others in the Abbey Gate bombing during the disastrous and incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan. Not that they were withdrawing, it was the way they withdrew. Perhaps the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country.

Tonight, I am pleased to announce that we have just apprehended the top terrorist responsible for that atrocity, and he is right now on his way here to face the swift sword of American justice. And I want to thank especially the government of Pakistan for helping arrest this monster. This was a very momentous day for those 13 families, who I actually got to know very well, most of them, whose children were murdered and the many people that were so badly — over 42 people — so badly injured on that fateful day in Afghanistan. What a horrible day. Such incompetence was shown — that when Putin saw what happened, I guess he said, “Wow, maybe this is my chance.” That’s how bad it was. Should have never happened. Grossly incompetent people.

I spoke to many of the parents and loved ones, and they’re all in our hearts tonight. Just spoke to them on the phone. We had a big call. Everyone one of them called, and everybody was on the line, and they did nothing but cry with happiness. They were very happy. As happy as you can be, under those circumstances. Their child — brother, sister, son, daughter — was killed for no reason whatsoever.

In the Middle East, we’re bringing back our hostages from Gaza. In my first term, we achieved one of the most groundbreaking peace agreements in generations: the Abraham Accords. And now we’re going to build on that foundation to create a more peaceful and prosperous future for the entire region. A lot of things are happening in the Middle East. People have been talking about that so much lately with everything going on, with Ukraine and Russia. A lot of things are happening in the Middle East. It’s a rough neighborhood, actually.

I’m also working tirelessly to end the savage conflict in Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians and Russians have been needlessly killed or wounded in this horrific and brutal conflict with no end in sight. The United States has sent hundreds of billions of dollars to support Ukraine’s defense with no security, with no anything.

Do you want to keep it going for another five years? Yeah? You would say. Pocahontas says yes. 2,000 people are being killed every single week — more than that. They are Russian young people, they’re Ukrainian young people. They’re not Americans, but I want it to stop. Meanwhile, Europe has sadly spent more money buying Russian oil and gas than they’ve spent on defending Ukraine, by far.

Think of that. They’ve spent more buying Russian oil and gas than they have defending. We’ve spent perhaps $350 billion, like taking candy from a baby. That’s what happened. And they’ve spent $100 billion. What a difference that is. And we have an ocean separating us, and they don’t. But we’re getting along very well with them and lots of good things are happening. Biden has authorized more money in this fight than Europe has spent by billions and billions of dollars. It’s hard to believe that they wouldn’t have stopped it at some point. Come on, let’s equalize. You’ve got to be equal to us. That didn’t happen. Earlier today I received an important letter from President Zelensky of Ukraine. The letter reads: “Ukraine is ready to come to the negotiating table as soon as possible to bring lasting peace closer.”

“Nobody wants peace more than the Ukrainians,” he said. “My team and I stand ready to work under President Trump strong leadership to get a peace that lasts. … We do really value how much America has done to help Ukraine, maintain its sovereignty and independence. … Regarding the agreement on minerals and security, Ukraine is ready to sign it at any time.”

That is convenient for you. I appreciate that he sent this letter. I just got it a little while ago. Simultaneously we’ve had serious discussions with Russia. Then I’ve received strong signals that they are ready for peace. Wouldn’t that be beautiful? Wouldn’t that be beautiful?

Wouldn’t that be beautiful?

It’s time to stop this madness. It’s time to halt the killing. It’s time to end the senseless war. If you want to end wars, you have to talk to both sides. Nearly four years ago, amid rising tensions, a history teacher named Marc Fogel was detained in Russia and sentenced to 14 years in a penal colony. Tough stuff. The previous administration barely lifted a finger to help him. They knew he was innocent but they had no idea where to begin. But last summer, I promised his 95-year-old mother, Malphine, that we would bring her boy safely back home. After 22 days in office, I did just that, and they are here tonight.

To Marc and his great mom, we are delighted to have you safe and sound and with us. As fate would have it, Marc Fogel was born in a small rural town in Butler, Penn., where his mother has lived for the past 78 years. I just happened to go there last July 13 for a rally. That was not pleasant. And that is where I met his beautiful mom right before I walked onto that stage, and I told her I would not forget what she said about her son, and I never did, did I? Never forgot. Less than 10 minutes later, at that same rally, gunfire rang out and a sick and deranged assassin unloaded eight bullets from his sniper’s perch into a crowd of many thousands of people. My life was saved by a fraction of an inch.

But some were not so lucky. Corey Comperatore was a firefighter, a veteran, a Christian, a husband, a devoted father and, above all, a protector. When the sound of gunshots pierced the air — it was a horrible sound — Corey knew instantly what it was and what to do. He threw himself on top of his wife and daughters and shielded them from the bullets with his own body. Corey was hit really hard. You know the story from there — he sacrificed his life to save theirs.

Two others, very fine people, were also seriously hit, but thankfully with the help of two great country doctors — we thought they were gone, then they were saved. So those doctors had great talent. We are joined by Corey’s wife, Helen, who was his high school sweetheart and their two beloved daughters, Allyson and Kaylee. Thank you.

To Helen, Allyson, and Kaylee: Corey is looking down on his three beautiful ladies right now and he is cheering you on. He loves you. He is cheering you on. Corey was taken from us much too soon, but his destiny was to leave us all with a shining example of the selfless devotion of a true American patriot. It was love like Corey’s that built our country, and it’s love like Corey’s that is going to make our country more majestic than ever before.

I believe that my life was saved that day in Butler for a very good reason. I was saved by God to Make America Great Again — I believe that. I do. Thank you. Thank you very much.

From the patriots of Lexington and Concord to the heroes of Gettysburg and Normandy, from the warriors who crossed the Delaware to the trailblazers who climbed the Rockies and from the legends who soared at Kitty Hawk to the astronauts who touched the moon, Americans have always been the people who defied all odds, transcended all dangers, made the most extraordinary sacrifices and did whatever it took to defend our children, our country and our freedom.

And as we have seen in this chamber tonight, that same strength, faith, love and spirit is still alive and thriving in the hearts of the American people. Despite the best efforts of those who would try to censor us, silence us, break us, destroy us, Americans are today a proud, free, sovereign and independent nation. That will always be free, and we will fight for it till death. We will never let anything happen to our beloved country. Because we are a country of doers, dreamers, fighters, survivors. Our ancestors crossed a vast ocean, strode into an unknown wilderness and carved their fortunes from the rock and soil of a perilous and very dangerous frontier.

They chased our destiny across a boundless continent. They built the railroads, laid the highways and graced the world with American marvels like the Empire State Building, the mighty Hoover Dam, and the towering Golden Gate Bridge. They lit the world with electricity, broke free of the force of gravity, fired up the engines of American industry, vanquished the communists, fascists and Marxists all over the world, and gave us countless modern wonders sculpted out of iron, glass, and steel.

We stand on the shoulders of these pioneers who built the modern age. These workers who were there swept into the skylines of our cities, these warriors who shed their blood on fields of battle, gave everything they had for our rights and for our freedom.

Now it is our time to take up the righteous cause of American liberty. And it’s our turn to take America’s destiny into our own hands and begin the most thrilling days in the history of our country. This will be our greatest era; with God’s help over the next four years, we are going to lead this nation even higher, and we are going to forge the freest, most advanced, most dynamic and most dominant civilization ever to exist on the face of this Earth.

We are going to create the highest quality of life, build the safest and wealthiest and healthiest and most vital communities anywhere in the world. We are going to conquer the vast frontiers of science, and we are going to lead humanity into space and plant the American flag on the planet Mars and even far beyond. And through it all, we are going to rediscover the unstoppable power of the American spirit, and we are going to renew unlimited promise of the American dream. Every single day we will stand up, and we will fight, fight, fight for the country our citizens believe in and for the country our people deserve.

Crowd: Fight! Fight! Fight!

Mr. Trump: My fellow Americans, get ready for an incredible future because the golden age of America has only just begun. It will be like nothing that has ever been seen before. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.

See more on: Donald Trump, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, U.S. Politics, Russia-Ukraine War




六周前,我在这座国会大厦的穹顶下,宣布了美国黄金时代的曙光。从那一刻开始,我们就以迅猛而持续的行动,开启了我国历史上最伟大、最成功的时代。我们在 43 天里所取得的成就,超过了许多政府在四年甚至八年里所能完成的——而且我们才刚刚开始。谢谢!


2024 年 11 月 5 日的总统大选,以几乎数十年未见的压倒性优势给予了我们授权。我们拿下了所有七个摇摆州,赢得了 312 张选举人票。我们在普选票中也获得了极大的领先优势,而且从县一级的选举结果看,我们以 2700 比 525 的悬殊比领先,用一张几乎全是共和党红色的地图。现在,现代史上首次,更多美国人认为国家正朝着正确方向前进,而不是相反。事实上,这是一个惊人的纪录——出现了 27 个百分点的大幅扭转,史无前例。


同样,小企业信心指数录得史上最大单月涨幅,飙升了 41 个点。


谢谢。过去六周里,我签署了近 100 项行政命令,并采取了 400 多项行政行动,创造纪录,目的是在我们的伟大国土上恢复常识、安全、乐观与财富。人民选我来做事,我就在真真切切地做事。








我终止了荒唐的“绿色新骗局”(Green New Scam)。退出了对我们不公平的《巴黎气候协定》,因为它要我们掏数万亿美元,而别的国家却不用付大钱。我退出了腐败的世界卫生组织,也退出了反美的联合国人权理事会。我们废除了上一届政府那些既让美国更不安全、又让百姓生活难以承受的环境限制。至关重要的是,我们还废止了上一届政府荒谬的“电动车强制令”,从而挽救了我们的汽车工人和公司,让它们免于经济崩溃。

为了给经济解绑,我已经下令:每出台一条新法规,必须废除 10 条旧法规——就像我上一个非常成功的任期里做的那样。当时我们在废除不必要的条条框框方面创下了历史纪录,以前从来没有总统能做到那种规模。


而且,我已经停止了政府任何形式的审查,还让美国言论自由重回正轨。它又回来了。就在两天前,我签署了一条行政命令,把英语定为美国的官方语言。我还把“墨西哥湾”更名为“美国湾”(Gulf of America),并且向一位伟大总统威廉·麦金莱致敬,将“德纳里山”恢复旧名“麦金莱山”。美丽的阿拉斯加,我们爱你,阿拉斯加!

我们已经把所谓“多元化、平等与包容”(Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)的毒瘤,从整个联邦政府及私营部门、军队中清除。我们的国家不会再“觉醒”(woke)。我们认为:无论你是医生、会计师、律师或空管员,都应根据技能和能力来招聘或晋升,而非根据种族或性别。这很关键。要以“功绩”为准。最高法院也做出了勇敢而有力的裁决,允许我们这样做。谢谢,非常感谢!


三年前,佩顿·麦克纳布(Payton McNabb)是一名全明星高中运动员,表现出色,正打算在大学继续运动生涯。可是,在她所在的女子排球比赛中,一名男性选手闯入并将球击出罕见的力量,重重砸在佩顿脸上,造成严重脑创伤,让她右侧肢体部分瘫痪,终结了她的运动生涯。她从未见过这么凶猛的球速。佩顿今晚就在看台上。从今往后,凡是让男性加入女子运动队的学校,将失去所有联邦经费。

如果想了解更多数据,只要看看女子拳击、举重、田径、游泳或自行车等赛事就知道真相。比如最近有一场长距离自行车赛,男子选手比女子快了 5 小时 14 分钟,整整提前 5 小时刷新纪录。这对女性严重不尊重,对国家也极其不利。我们不会再容忍。


我最优先的目标之一,是拯救我们的经济,为工作家庭带来大规模、立竿见影的减负。大家都知道,上一届政府留给我们的是经济灾难和通胀噩梦。他们的政策推高了能源、食品与生活必需品成本,让数以百万的美国人不堪重负,前所未见。我们还经历了 48 年来最严重的通胀——也可能是历史最严重的,尚无定论。作为总统,我每天都在努力扭转这些损失,让美国重新“负担得起”。


我们抗击通胀的一大重点就是降低能源成本。上一届政府将新油气租约削减了 95%,管线建设几乎停摆,还关闭了 100 多座电厂——我们现在正重新开放其中很多。说实话,我们从未见过这么糟糕的政策。正因此,我上任首日就宣布了国家能源紧急状态。就像我说过很多次一样:我们脚下的“液体黄金”储量比任何国家都多,而且是大幅领先。现在,我让史上最优秀的团队去把它开采出来。我们要“挖啊挖”(Drill, baby, drill)!



为了进一步抑制通胀,我们不光要降低能源成本,还要停止浪费纳税人的钱财。为此,我组建了新的“政府效能部”(Department of Government Efficiency),简称 D.O.G.E.,也许有人听过这个词,这个部门由埃隆·马斯克领导。他今天也在看台上。


卫生与公众服务部(H.H.S.)斥资 220 亿美元,为非法移民提供免费住房和汽车;

拨款 4500 万美元,用于在缅甸搞“多元化、平等与包容”奖学金;

拨款 4000 万美元,用于提高所谓的“非流动移民”的社会与经济融合(没人知道这是什么);

拨款 800 万美元,用于在几乎没人听说过的莱索托推广 LGBTQI+;

拨款 6000 万美元,用于“中美洲地区原住民和非裔加勒比人赋权”计划;

拨款 800 万美元,用于让小鼠变性(这可真的存在);

拨款 3200 万美元,用于在摩尔多瓦开展左翼宣传;

拨款 1000 万美元,用于在莫桑比克进行包皮环切;

拨款 2000 万美元,制作中东版的“阿拉伯芝麻街”;

拨款 19 亿美元,给一个新成立的“住房脱碳化委员会”,我们还知道斯泰希·艾布拉姆斯最后时刻插手了;

拨款 350 万美元,用于一项奢侈“鱼类监测”咨询;

拨款 150 万美元,给利比里亚搞“选民信心”项目;

拨款 1400 万美元,用于马里的“社会凝聚”;

拨款 5900 万美元,用于在纽约市给非法移民提供酒店住宿,那里的房地产开发商可是赚翻了;

拨款 25 万美元,用于在赞比亚推动“素食主义式的气候行动创新”;

拨款 4200 万美元,用于乌干达的“社会和行为转变”项目;

拨款 1400 万美元,用于塞尔维亚的“公共采购改进”项目;

拨款 4700 万美元,用于改善亚洲地区的学习成效(亚洲其实学得很好了,看我们自己才需要改进);

拨款 1.01 亿美元,用于教育部的 DEI 合同支出,这是史上最高数字。


联邦政府问责署(GAO)估算每年联邦层面有超 5000 亿美元的欺诈行为。我们正全力以赴去阻止,并一定会阻止。

我们还发现社会保障项目中存在触目惊心的管理不当甚至骗局。社会保障本是老年人的倚靠,却被人疯狂滥用。你能想象吗?政府数据库里列着 470 万名年龄在 100109 岁之间的社保领取者,360 万人年龄 110119 岁,我认识不少上了年纪的人,但没那么老的。120129 岁的有 347 万,130139 岁的有 390 万,140149 岁的也有 350 万,他们都在领钱,因为系统不停地往外发,这大大损害了我们的社保体系和国家财政。150159 岁还有 130 万以上,最惊人的是还有 13 万多人年龄超过 160 岁。

数据库里还显示有 1039 人在 220229 岁之间,240249 岁之间的有 1 人,甚至还有 1 人显示 360 岁,比我们国家建国时间还老 100 多年。我们会查清这些资金究竟进了谁腰包,那绝不会好看。祝你好运,帕姆,我相信你能弄清楚。我们会竭力根除所有欺诈、浪费和盗窃,从而击败通胀、拉低房贷利率、车贷利率、杂货价格,保护我们的老人,并把更多钱放进美国家庭的口袋里。

今天,利率出现了一个美妙的大幅下降,实在是迟来的好消息。不久的将来,我还想完成一项 24 年来无人能实现的事业:让联邦预算实现平衡。我们要努力让收支相抵!

为此,我们已经详细规划了一个“金卡”(Gold Card)项目,不久就会对外发售,定价 500 万美元。我们会允许全球最成功、能创造就业的群体,通过购买金卡获得美国公民身份的通道。这和“绿卡”类似,但更高端、更精细化。这些人要在美国纳税,而不是在原籍国,必须创造就业机会。他们还得资助在美国大学里就读的优秀学生,保证这些人才能留下为我们国家效力,而非被迫离境。比如那些在顶尖学校毕业、年级排名第一的精英,本该为我们国家创造数不清的工作与效益,却因身份问题被迫离境。这实在荒诞。


美国人民给了我们大刀阔斧改革的授权。在过去近 100 年,联邦官僚体系不断膨胀,几乎榨干了我们的自由,让我们债务高筑,还极大地限制了美国潜能。本是先驱与冒险家缔造的国家,却被无数条规和巨额债务所束缚。原本 10 天能批下来的项目,拖到 10 年、15 年,甚至 20 年才被否决。而且我们还有数十万联邦雇员没来上过班。我的政府将从这群不受监督的官僚手里收回权力,让真正的民主重回美国。

任何联邦官僚如果抗拒这一变革,都将被立即解雇。因为我们要抽干这片沼泽(drain the swamp),就是这么简单。由无选举授权的官僚来统治的时代结束了。




这些政策,会让美国汽车行业再次腾飞。三大车企的掌门人今天也跟我沟通过,他们都激动不已。实际上,已有许多车企宣布要在美国兴建巨型厂房。比如本田宣布要在印第安纳建一座全球数一数二的工厂,这也是在我们 11 月 5 日胜选后才决定的。希望 11 月 5 日能成为我们国家历史上最重要的日子之一。

此外,我们的减税计划还包括降低国内制造业税负,就像上一任期里那样,同时提供 100% 的投资费用扣减,追溯至 2025 年 1 月 20 日。在我上次任期时,这正是我们减税成功的重要因素之一,为我国带来了最繁荣的经济。


印度对我们的汽车关税甚至超过 100%。中国对我们产品征收的平均关税是我们征收他们的两倍。韩国更夸张,是我们的四倍。想想看,四倍!我们还在军事等方面给韩国这么多帮助,他们却这样做?不管对方是盟友还是对手,他们对我们的关税体系都非常不利。

这种状况对美国不公平,从来就不公平。因此,4 月 2 日——本想选 4 月 1 日,但怕被嘲笑说“愚人节”,再少一天对我们也会损失不少,所以我们就选了 4 月 2 日——我们将正式实施“对等关税”(reciprocal tariffs)。别人征我们多少税,我们就征他们多少。这就是对等。如果他们用非货币壁垒把我们挡在他们市场之外,我们也用同样手段把他们挡在美国市场之外。到时我们会进账数万亿,创造前所未见的大量就业。




我们即将落地的一系列“美国优先”政策,过去几个星期里就已带来了 1.7 万亿美元的新投资。人们对我们的胜选和经济政策都很有信心。软银宣布 2000 亿美元的投资,OpenAI 和甲骨文(拉里·埃里森)宣布了 5000 亿美元;要是卡马拉(民主党)当时赢了,这些投资一个也不会来。苹果也宣布了 5000 亿美元。蒂姆·库克打电话给我说,他都不知道该怎么把钱花完。我觉得数字可能还会更大。他们会在美国建厂,而不是在中国。

而就在昨天,全球最大的晶圆代工厂——台积电,宣布要投资 1650 亿美元,在美国生产世界上最先进的芯片。我们什么钱都没给他们。“芯片法案”可太糟糕了,要白白给这些企业几千亿美元,可他们未必就真用在美国建厂上。其实他们最在意的是不想被征收关税,所以才会来美国投资。还有不少企业也会这样做。


我们这套新贸易政策对美国农民也大有好处。我爱农民。他们可以在我们国内市场大展拳脚,因为那些从其他国家进来的农产品通常会面临关税、检疫或质量堪忧等诸多难题,竞争不过我们。4 月 2 日以后,凡进口到美国的农产品都要缴关税。农民朋友也许需要一点调整期,就像我当时和中国达成每年 500 亿美元采购协议时说过的:“你们先咬咬牙,扛一下。”后来证明他们扛过去了,收益颇丰。只不过拜登上台后,没有强制执行那份采购协议,损害了我们农民的利益。这次我保证会处理得更好。


同时,我对进口的外国铝、铜、木材和钢铁征收 25% 的关税。因为如果我们连钢铁等基本材料都没有,就无法拥有军力,也就难以守护我们的国家。

今天在场的有一位让人敬佩的美国钢铁工人,来自阿拉巴马州迪凯特市的杰夫·德纳德(Jeff Denard)。他在同一家钢厂工作了 27 年,还是当地志愿消防队的队长。他和妻子妮可(Nicole)一起养育了 7 个孩子,还曾为 40 多个寄养儿童提供过温暖的家。真是了不起。谢谢你,杰夫!


梅拉尼娅在帮助寄养儿童、培养国家未来领袖上贡献巨大,成果有目共睹。今晚,第一夫人还带来了两位令人印象深刻的年轻女性:海莉·弗格森(Haley Ferguson),她在第一夫人的“抚育未来”计划帮助下,即将完成学业成为教师;以及埃利斯顿·贝瑞(Elliston Berry),她曾被同龄人用“深度伪造”的不雅图片陷害。在埃利斯顿的推动下,参议院刚刚通过了“拿下它法案”(Take It Down Act)。


如果我们真关心美国的孩子,就更需要保障美国边界安全。过去四年里,有 2100 万人涌入美国,其中不乏杀人犯、人口贩子、黑帮分子和其它罪犯,来自世界上最危险的地区——全拜拜登荒谬、危险的“开放边境”政策所赐,他们得以进入并深度嵌入我们的国家。可我们正在加速清理这些毒瘤。我想感谢汤姆·霍曼、克里斯蒂以及保罗,还有所有边境巡逻队、移民及海关执法局、以及所有执法人员。他们干得太棒了,我们必须好好保护他们。

去年,一位才华横溢、年仅 22 岁的护理专业学生——莱肯·赖利(Laken Riley),是班里最出色的学生,大家都很欣赏她。有天早上,她在佐治亚大学校园慢跑,却被一个非法移民帮派分子残忍袭击、毒打并谋杀。那凶徒原本越境被抓,却在拜登政府“开放边境”的政策下被放进美国,再加上一些庇护城市的纵容,让他逃过多次惩处,最终残忍地夺走这位年轻天使的生命。




但正如我在就职演说中承诺的,我们正在大力解放美国。不过我们还有很多工作要做。今晚在场的,还有一个叫亚历克西斯·努加拉(Alexis Nungaray)的女士,来自休斯顿。去年,她 12 岁的女儿乔斯琳(Jocelyn)去一家便利店买东西,却被绑架、捆绑,在桥下遭到长达两个小时的侵犯后被残忍杀害。被捕并被控罪的,是两个来自委内瑞拉的非法移民“怪物”,都在上一届政府的“开放边境”政策下混进来。

这个美丽 12 岁女孩的死亡,让全美国都为之痛心。亚历克西斯,我曾向你承诺,我们永远不会忘记你女儿。今晚我就履行诺言。乔斯琳生前非常热爱动物、热爱大自然。休斯顿对面的加尔维斯顿湾,坐落着一片 3.4 万英亩的国家野生动物保护区,非常壮丽而宁静。刚才,我正式签署命令,把那片保护区以你女儿乔斯琳的名字重新命名。副总统先生,可以把文件给我吗?

谢谢!涉嫌杀害乔斯琳和莱肯的那几个凶徒,都来自委内瑞拉最可怕的监狱帮派“Tren de Aragua”,号称世界最残暴的帮派之一。过去几年里,拜登政府放进了成千上万这种恐怖分子。但现在,他们都将被逮捕并强制驱逐出境。如果危险性太高,我们就直接关监狱,审判后永远不准他们再回来。

今晚在座的,还有一位奋战在前线的勇士——边境巡逻队员罗伯托·奥尔蒂斯(Roberto Ortiz)。今年一月,罗伯托和另一名队员在里奥格兰德河附近巡逻时,遇到武装歹徒开枪射击。这片区域被称为“卡特尔岛”(Cartel Island),可听着就够危险。罗伯托发现同伴完全暴露在枪林弹雨中,便立即回击,为同伴争取到宝贵的几秒,让他躲过劫难。我们看过当时的影像,非常凶险。奥尔蒂斯探员,我们要向你致敬,谢谢你那时挺身而出、奋不顾身地英勇表现。


五天前,墨西哥因为我们的关税措施,把 29 名他们国内最主要的毒枭交给了我们——这在历史上从未有过。但墨西哥和加拿大必须做得更多,禁止更多芬太尼和毒品涌入美国。他们会照做的。我已向国会递交了详细的预算申请,告诉他们如何彻底消除这些威胁、保卫我们的家园,并完成美国史上最大规模的驱逐行动,比艾森豪威尔那次更大。艾克虽然温和,但他相信边界神圣不可侵犯。美国人民希望国会火速把这笔钱拨给我,让我赶紧签署成法。议长先生、图恩先生,我期待你们一起努力。把法案给我,我会立马签字!



去年这个月,31 岁的纽约警官乔纳森·迪勒(Jonathan Diller)在长岛执勤时被枪杀。我参加了他的葬礼。凶犯累犯 21 次,他同伙也有 14 次被捕史,自称“Killer”(杀手),还真的杀过人。我在葬礼上见到了迪勒警官的妻子和他们 1 岁的儿子瑞恩,场面令人动容。他的遗孀名叫斯蒂芬妮,她今晚也在这里。斯蒂芬妮,谢谢你。


我还呼吁颁布一部新“反犯罪法案”,对累犯施以重罚,同时加大对警务人员的保护,让他们在执法时不用担心性命或前途遭到毁灭打击。他们也不想被害啊,我们不会允许那种事持续发生。今晚有一位 13 岁男孩名叫 DJ·丹尼尔(DJ Daniel),他对警察有着满腔热爱。他曾梦想成为警察。2018 年,他却被诊断为脑癌,医生说他最多只能活 5 个月,但现在已经过去 6 年多了。

在此期间,DJ 和父亲到处奔走,想圆他的警察梦,也因此被许多警局授予“荣誉警员”的称号。警察都喜欢他。今天,DJ,我们要给你一个更高的荣誉。我将请求特勤局新任局长肖恩·柯伦(Sean Curran)正式任命你为美国特勤局特工。

谢谢。杀害乔斯琳和莱肯的罪犯中有三人来自委内瑞拉最强悍的监狱帮派 “Tren de Aragua”,据说是全世界最凶残的。这些年来,拜登政府放任成千上万这样的恐怖分子进入美国。但从此刻起,我们会把他们全部抓起来,强制驱逐出境;对那些太过危险的,我们就关进监狱,绝不让他们再回到我们的社区。

今晚在场的还有一位奋战在一线的勇士——边境巡逻探员罗伯托·奥尔蒂斯(Roberto Ortiz)。今年一月,罗伯托和另一位探员在里奥格兰德河附近巡逻,那片地区被称为“卡特尔岛”(Cartel Island),听着就不太妙。结果遇到全副武装的枪手向他们开火。罗伯托发现搭档暴露于枪林弹雨中,就冲上前还击,给同事争取到几秒的掩护时间,让他躲过一劫。我们看过现场的影像,真是惊险至极。奥尔蒂斯探员,我们赞赏你的勇气与果敢,谢谢你为国家立下的功劳。


五天前,正因为我们的关税政策,墨西哥向我们移交了 29 名该国最大毒枭头目——这是前所未有的举动。但墨西哥和加拿大还需要做得更多,务必阻止芬太尼和毒品流向美国。他们会照做的。




一年前的这个月,31 岁的纽约警官乔纳森·迪勒(Jonathan Diller)在长岛一次交通拦截中被枪杀。我参加了他的葬礼。这名凶徒有 21 次被捕记录,还都是非常严重的罪行。他身边的人也有 14 次被捕记录,还自称“杀手”。他可真是杀过不少人。葬礼上,我见到了迪勒警官的妻子和他们 1 岁的儿子瑞恩。我深受触动。他的遗孀名叫斯蒂芬妮,她今晚也在这里。斯蒂芬妮,谢谢你。


我也呼吁通过一部新“反犯罪法案”,对累犯施以更严厉的惩罚,同时为我们的警察提供更多保护,让他们在执法时不用担心性命与前途受到极度威胁。今晚有一位 13 岁的少年名叫 DJ 丹尼尔(DJ Daniel),他对警察有着无比的爱戴。他一直梦想成为一名警察。然而 2018 年,他被诊断患有脑癌,医生说最多只能活五个月。可现在已经过去六年多了。

这期间,DJ 和他的父亲一直努力让他的梦想成真;全国各地很多警察局都给他颁发了荣誉警员的称号,警察非常喜欢他。今晚,DJ,我们要给你更大的荣耀。我要请我们的新任特勤局长肖恩·柯伦(Sean Curran)正式任命你为美国特勤局特工。

谢谢你,DJ。医生们说,你的癌症很可能与小时候接触到的某种化学品相关。1975 年以来,儿童癌症发病率上升超过 40%。扭转这一趋势,是我们新成立的“让美国健康再次伟大”总统委员会的头号任务,该委员会由新任卫生与公众服务部长小罗伯特·F·肯尼迪执掌。听到“肯尼迪”这个名字,我还以为那边的人会欢呼,没想到他们这么快就忘了!

我们的目标,是把环境中的毒素清除、把食物里的毒素清除,保证孩子能健康成长。再举个例子:不久前,每 1 万个孩子才有 1 个患自闭症。可现在,每 36 个孩子里就有 1 个患病,这完全说不过去。我们要找出原因,而没人比鲍比和他的团队更适合。鲍比,加油。这是一项重要任务。谢谢!

我的政府也在努力保护孩子们免于在学校被“有毒意识形态”侵害。几年前,詹纽厄里·莉特尔约翰(January Littlejohn)和她丈夫发现,他们 13 岁的女儿在学校被偷偷“社会转变”。老师和管理人员合谋,一边让她女儿换新名字与“TA/他们”之类的代词,一边却瞒着父母。詹纽厄里就在这里,她勇敢地站出来反对这种“对孩子的虐待”。谢谢你,詹纽厄里。





他可不搞“觉醒”那一套,我非常了解他。今年 1 月,美国陆军的征兵量创造了 15 年来单月最高记录,而所有军种也都达到了历史最好的征兵数字之一。几个月前还完全相反呢。现在这种大逆转,真是美妙极了。这要归功于爱国之心回归,人们再次热爱美国,自然就愿意当兵。大家干得好,谢谢!

我们现场还有个年轻人,杰森·哈特利(Jason Hartley),他深知什么叫职责召唤。他的父亲、祖父和曾祖父都曾服过役。不幸的是,他父亲在他小时候就去世了,同时他父亲也是洛杉矶县的一名警长副手。如今杰森想延续家族的从军传统。他是高四学生,参加六项体育校队,成绩优秀,GPA 高达 4.46。杰森最大的梦想是考入美国西点军校。西点是很难进的,但我告诉你——你的申请已经通过了!你马上就要成为西点军校的学员了!


为强化国防工业基础,我们也会重振美国造船业,包括商船和军舰。为此,我宣布白宫将成立一个新的“造船办公室”(Office of Shipbuilding),通过特别税收优惠把这项产业带回美国。我们曾经在造船领域遥遥领先,如今却造得很少。现在我们要再次大量造船,这将带来巨大影响。

为进一步加强国家安全,我的政府正在重新掌握巴拿马运河的主导权,并且已经着手行动。就在今天,一家美国企业宣布他们将收购运河两岸的港口及相关资产。巴拿马运河是美国人为了美国而建的,不是给别人的,尽管别人也可以用。但当年修运河,3.8 万名工人死于疟疾、毒蛇和蚊虫叮咬,代价十分惨重。那是彼时美国历史上投入最大、折合现代价值更是天文数字的基建项目。卡特政府却把它以一美元的价钱转给了巴拿马,巴拿马随后把不少权益转给了中国。但那个协议已被严重违反。我们原本并没把运河给中国,而是给巴拿马,现在我们要收回。

我们让马可·卢比奥负责这项工作。马可,加油啊!你干得不错。参议院对他是 99 票同意,最后那票其实也没真反对,所以算 100 票吧。这让我既高兴,又略有点担心哈哈。但马可确实做得好。谢谢参议员各位对他的支持,他会干得非常出色。


美国同样在全力反击激进伊斯兰恐怖主义。三年半前,在阿富汗那场混乱、无能的撤军中——也不是撤军本身,而是撤军方式糟糕至极——ISIS 在阿比门爆炸中杀死了 13 名美国军人和无数其他人员,堪称美国史上最丢脸的时刻之一。

今晚我很高兴地宣布,我们刚刚抓住了那起暴行的主谋,他正被押往美国,将接受美国法律的迅速审判。我特别要感谢巴基斯坦政府协助逮捕这个魔头。这对那 13 个家庭非常重要,我认识其中大部分,他们失去了孩子,还有 40 多人严重受伤。这一天太惨痛。也正是因为这一幕极度无能的表现,普京才觉得自己有机可乘。那真是不该发生、极其荒谬的操作。

我也与那 13 名受害者的父母和亲属通过电话。他们在电话里喜极而泣,虽然悲痛依然深重,但至少罪魁祸首已落网。

在中东,我们正在把人质从加沙接回。我上个任期里我们达成了划时代的“亚伯拉罕协议”(Abraham Accords),现在我们要在那基础上继续努力,为整个中东创建一个更加和平与繁荣的未来。最近人们更多在讨论乌克兰和俄罗斯,但中东这个地方也风云变幻。

与此同时,我也在竭尽全力结束乌克兰的血腥冲突。数百万乌克兰人与俄罗斯人在这场残酷战事中伤亡惨重,似乎遥遥无期。美国向乌克兰投入了数千亿美元,却没有太多监督保障。难道我们想再打五年?那边有人似乎点头。现在每周有 2000 多人阵亡,还可能更多。死的都是年轻的俄罗斯人和乌克兰人,不是美国人,但我也不想看他们继续牺牲。

而欧洲居然花钱买俄罗斯油气的规模,比给乌克兰的军事或财政支持还要多得多。想想看,咱们大概花了 3500 亿美元,他们自己只花了 1000 亿,还离乌克兰这么近。我们中间隔着大西洋呢。但我们目前和欧洲关系还不错,也有一些好消息。拜登却批了比欧洲更多的钱给乌克兰。真的很荒谬,欧洲也没去平衡一下。




大约四年前,一名历史教师马克·福格尔(Marc Fogel)在俄国被关押,被判 14 年劳改营,特别惨。上一届政府只是“象征性”表态,几乎没采取行动。他们知道他是被冤枉的,可不知从何入手。但去年夏天,我答应了他 95 岁高龄的母亲马尔芬(Malphine),要把儿子带回来。上任 22 天,我做到了。他们今天也在现场。对马克和他母亲来说,我们很高兴你们能平安回来。

马尔芬在宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒的一个小镇住了 78 年,马克也在那里出生。我去年 7 月 13 日恰好去那儿办了一场集会,非常不愉快……就在我上台演讲前十分钟,我见到了他母亲,她跟我说了她儿子被冤枉的事。我当即说我不会忘记。不久,就在那场集会期间,现场传来枪声,一个疯子在远处狙击手位置连开八枪,人群中好几千人都很危险。我命大,只差一点。但有人不幸被击中。

科里·康佩拉托雷(Corey Comperatore)是一位消防员、老兵、基督徒、好丈夫、好父亲,也是一个不折不扣的“守护者”。枪声一响,他立刻判断这是枪击,第一时间用身体护住妻子和女儿,用自己的生命来保护她们。科里中弹牺牲了。还有两人也重伤,但在两位乡村医生的抢救下活了下来,真的把人从鬼门关抢回。这两个医生技术高超。














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Leia Mais


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