9 Spiritual Prides Christians Must Beware of
By 丝路之旅 extracted from 约拿单·爱德华兹
By 丝路之旅 extracted from Jonathan Edwards
Ref: 《宗教情操真伪辨》(The Experience that Counts)(《论宗教情感》节译本 (Religious Affections)Abridged translation)
《区分圣灵作为的标准》(Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God, 1741)
《关于新英格兰宗教复兴的一些想法》(Thoughts on the Revival in New England, 1742)
精华摘录 / Essential Extract
"If the disease of spiritual pride is cured, correcting other issues becomes much easier. Our primary duty is to correct our hearts, to remove the plank of pride from our eyes, and then we will see clearly."
The most prominent and destructive cause of error in our present time and generation is spiritual pride.
It is the gateway through which the devil enters the hearts of those who are fervent in honoring Christ. It is the main channel from which the black smoke of the bottomless pit rises, darkening the mind and misleading judgment.
Pride is the devil’s main hold on Christians; it is his primary tool in bringing about all kinds of mischief and hindering the work of God.
Spiritual pride is the chief root of all other errors, or at least, their main support.
If this disease is not cured, no remedy used for other ailments will be effective.
1. 成长中的基督徒要小心! / Growing Christians Must Be Cautious!
Those who are most zealous for God's work are the easiest targets for accusations of pride.
But zealous Christians must be watchful, lest they fall into Satan's trap—blinding them to their own pride.
2. 骄傲:隐藏的敌人 / Pride: The Hidden Enemy
Pride is the most deceptive of all sins.
Spiritual pride takes many forms, like layers of an onion—once you peel away one layer, another is underneath.
3. 骄傲:大大挑别人的错处 / Pride: Constantly Finding Fault in Others
Spiritual pride makes a person talk about others’ sins with laughter, lightness, and contempt.
But a truly humble Christian is so occupied with his own faults that he does not have time to scrutinize others.
4. 骄傲:带着苛刻的心服事 / Pride: Serving with a Harsh Spirit
A spiritually proud person often uses harsh and severe language when speaking about the faults of others.
A truly humble Christian, however, treats others with great patience and gentleness.
5. 骄傲:装假 / Pride: A Desire to Be Different
Spiritual pride often leads people to speak, act, or dress differently just to attract attention.
A truly humble Christian does not seek to be different for its own sake.
6. 骄傲:轻易被人得罪 / Pride: Easily Offended
A spiritually proud person is easily offended by opposition and criticism.
A truly humble Christian endures mistreatment with quietness, just as Christ did when reviled.
7. 骄傲:在神在人面前自以为是 / Pride: Self-Confidence Before God and Others
"Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling." (Psalm 2:11)
A spiritually proud person lacks reverence before God.
8. 骄傲:渴望得到别人的关注 / Pride: Craving Attention
Spiritual pride seeks recognition and honor from others.
A truly humble Christian does not seek to glorify himself but desires to honor others.
9. 骄傲:忽视其他人 / Pride: Ignoring Others
Just as spiritual pride makes a person think too highly of themselves, it also makes them ignore others.
A truly humble Christian, however, honors all people. (1 Peter 2:17)
结论 / Final Thoughts
"If the disease of spiritual pride is cured, correcting other issues becomes much easier."
May God help us to guard against spiritual pride and walk in true humility before Him!
TTS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeiYqeMuNpQ

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