Wednesday, April 21, 2021

📍🇺🇸2021袁老师:在离婚再婚问题上divorce and remarriage将真理给恩典——怜悯像审判夸胜truth to grace——mercy triumphs over judgment

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Apr.21, 2021 在离婚再婚问题上 将真理给恩典 ——怜悯像审判夸胜

On the issue of divorce and remarriage, let truth give way to grace — mercy triumphs over judgment.

Giving Truth to Grace in Divorce and Remarriage - Mercy Like Judgment Quo Vadis

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Summary of Key Points on Divorce and Remarriage


Theme: Let Truth Give Way to Grace, Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

This Sunday’s sermon focuses on the sensitive topic of divorce and remarriage. There is significant debate within society and the church, with key discussions including:

  • 什么情况下可以离婚或再婚?
  • Under what circumstances is divorce or remarriage permissible?
  • 如何界定“淫乱”?
  • How should “sexual immorality” be defined?
  • 教会应如何引导信徒面对婚姻问题?
  • How should the church guide believers in dealing with marital issues?

However, today’s focus is not on legalistic studies, but on speaking truth and extending grace.

1. 婚姻、律法与恩典

Marriage, Law, and Grace


The Limitations of the Law

  • 许多人试图用**“可离婚条件”**等标准来判断婚姻状况是否合法,但这是方向性的错误。
  • Many try to determine the legality of a marriage using strict divorce conditions, but this is a fundamental mistake.
  • 靠律法无法使人称义,人无法靠自身努力达到神的圣洁标准,反而容易陷入自义和论断他人。
  • Righteousness cannot be attained through the law. People cannot achieve God’s standard of holiness through personal effort; instead, they often fall into self-righteousness and judgment.
  • 研究哪些情况“算淫乱”,哪些情况“不算” 无法真正解决婚姻问题
  • Debating which situations count as "adultery" and which do not cannot truly resolve marital issues.


The Supremacy of Grace

  • 耶稣的救赎已成全律法(罗马书 7:1-3),信徒因信称义,所有罪恶都能因恩典得赦免。
  • Jesus' redemption has fulfilled the law (Romans 7:1-3). Believers are justified by faith, and all sins can be forgiven through grace.
  • 即便婚姻失败或再婚,神仍赐下盼望。只要悔改,恩典足够覆盖一切过犯。
  • Even if a marriage fails or one remarries, God still offers hope. As long as there is repentance, grace is sufficient to cover all transgressions.

2. 耶稣的教导:避免自义与论断

Jesus' Teachings: Avoiding Self-Righteousness and Judgment

📌 法利赛人的误区

📌 The Pharisees' Mistake

  • 许多人以为自己在婚姻上是完全圣洁的,因而去定别人的罪。
  • Many believe they are completely righteous in marriage, leading them to judge others.
  • 但耶稣最厌恶的就是这些“自以为义”的人
  • But Jesus most despised those who were "self-righteous".
  • “凡动淫念的,都是犯罪”(马太福音5:28),因此没有人可以靠行为称义。
  • "Whoever looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery in his heart." (Matthew 5:28) Therefore, no one can be justified by works alone.

❤️ 怜悯胜过审判

❤️ Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

  • 只有认识到自己是罪人,才会对他人产生怜悯之心。
  • Only when one realizes their own sinfulness can they develop compassion for others.
  • 耶稣告诉我们:不管曾经犯了多大的错,只要悔改,神都会赦免(约翰福音8章)。
  • Jesus tells us that no matter how great our sin, if we repent, God will forgive us (John 8).
  • 教会的使命不是定罪,而是帮助信徒回到神的恩典中
  • The mission of the church is not to condemn, but to help believers return to God's grace.

3. 现实应用:离婚、再婚与信仰

Practical Applications: Divorce, Remarriage, and Faith


The Error of Legalism

  • 机械化地判断“什么情况可以/不可以离婚” 容易导致律法主义和论断
  • Mechanically determining who may or may not divorce leads to legalism and judgmentalism.
  • 只靠外在行为去维护婚姻,无法真正带来圣洁的关系
  • Trying to maintain marriage solely through external behaviors cannot bring about a truly holy relationship.


The Right Approach to Faith

  • 与神同行,而非拘泥律法

  • Walk with God, rather than being bound by law:

    • 关注内心的悔改,而不是外在的规条。
    • Focus on inner repentance, not external rules.
    • 恩典与怜悯去扶持婚姻破裂者,而非定罪。
    • Support those whose marriages have failed with grace and mercy, rather than condemnation.
  • 信仰的核心是救赎,而非定罪

  • The core of faith is redemption, not condemnation:

    • 婚姻可以失败,但人仍可被神接纳
    • Marriages may fail, but people can still be accepted by God.
    • 耶稣来不是定人的罪,而是要拯救人,使人得生命,并且得的更丰盛(约翰福音10:10)。
    • Jesus did not come to condemn, but to save and give life abundantly (John 10:10).

4. 总结:在基督里得自由

Conclusion: Freedom in Christ

1️⃣ 不要用律法框架去评判婚姻问题,而要以恩典为中心
1️⃣ Do not judge marriage issues through the framework of law, but through grace.

2️⃣ 没有人能靠行为达到神的标准,因此不要论断他人,而是要施予怜悯
2️⃣ No one can meet God's standard through works, so do not judge others—extend mercy instead.

3️⃣ 即使婚姻失败,仍能在基督里找到盼望,因恩典大过一切过犯
3️⃣ Even if a marriage fails, one can still find hope in Christ, for grace is greater than all sins.

4️⃣ 教会的使命不是定罪,而是引导人进入神的爱与救赎之中
4️⃣ The church's mission is not to condemn, but to lead people into God's love and redemption.

Key Principle:

"On the issue of divorce and remarriage, we are not here to study the law, but to extend grace—mercy triumphs over judgment."





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